Grab your coffee and join me! Nothing is more interesting to me than having a caffeinated conversation about life! I’ve been "coffee talking" to you for years on Instagram, yet that connection hasn't been at the level I crave. Enter the Coffee With Nicoa Podcast! I'll be talking to people who have courageously chosen to walk their own paths and create their Lives by Design. I hope it will inspire you to find your own True North and do the same!
Espresso Shot 18: FRIENDSHIPS
Are you Nicoa's Friend? Listen up! How deep and engaged is your friendship with her, with others, with yourself? Nicoa takes a vulnerable look at her own relationship with friends and with herself as she navigates life this year. CONNECTION is Nicoa's word for the year, so this topic is of no surprise. YOUR WEEKLY JOURNALING PROMPT!
FRIENDSHIP, a state of enduring affection, esteem, intimacy, and trust between two people. In all cultures, friendships are important relationships throughout a person’s life span.
Follow COFFEE WITH NICOA on Instagram @CoffeeWithNicoa & on TikTok @NicoaCoach for insights into HER LIFE BY DESIGN!
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|| Coffee With Nicoa Copyright 2024 ||
sometimes don't you just need a quick moment of inspiration. Or maybe you just need a moment of caffeinated contemplation to reflect on life. That's the idea behind my weekly coffee with Nicola espresso shots. I'll be sharing short jolts of inspiration in each clip, in addition to my longer Coffee with Nicoa interview episodes, make sure to subscribe so you never miss an espresso shot, or a full length Coffee with Nicoa interview created just for you. Hey, everybody, it's your weekly espresso shot. This is Nicoa I probably don't even need to introduce myself every time do I know, I think you know. Well, I just want to thank you guys for being my friends. Because as I've been thinking about friendship, I've been thinking about friending, and engaging in partnership with others in a relationship that we consider a friendship. You know, how do you define friendship? And how do you judge your friendships? There, I've always had this craving, you know, I moved so often, in my lifetime, I've moved and moved and moved and career changes. And I spent the majority of my time with my colleagues, as friends, and some of my best friends, were colleagues to begin with in the corporate world. You know who you are. And some of my best friends are from, like middle school. And yet, it's been more difficult to really connect with adult friends, and engage with them at the level that I do with some of my childhood friends and some of my work friends. And why is that? Why, you know, I feel like I make these really strong connections. And then they fizzle out unless I'm the one to initiate the engagement. And so for those of you listening, Please invite me out, I would like more of you to initiate time with me. And I think I want that because I think there's a part of me that's insecure about whether or not people really want to spend time with me now. I mean, God, I am so vulnerable with you guys. For yeah, there's probably that little part of me is like, well, how come I'm the one who always has to initiate and then I step back, and I go, Wait a minute, is that really true? Is that really true? And it's not, I do get invited out, I do get asked to spend time with other people. So I want to invite you to do two things, one, reflect on your friendships, and are they really the depth and engaged friendship that you crave. And if they're not, I'm going to talk about that in a second. And then too, if you're sitting around waiting for somebody to invite you out, to go do something, don't wait too long, you know, be be like Nicoa, go ahead and text them go ahead and say, Hey, I'm driving by your office, I'm gonna bring you a coffee. I even spontaneously stopped in on my friends at work the other day, she wasn't there. I couldn't find her. But I was looking for her. And I just, I'm trying to do that more, because I thought what do I want, I want I want to engage with people, I want more opportunities, to have friendships, to to step below the surface of shallow dialogue and interaction, even at parties that I go to, and really create connection. That's my word for the year is connection for 2024. So that, so what am I craving really, the topic here might be friendships. But for those of you who've been doing the work with me this long, and for for the work I've done around the spiritual meaning of being here, and and what is really happening in the healing process, the self coaching awareness, the I want to feel better more often than not type of work, is that the friendship I must be really, truly craving is the friendship with myself to stop looking externally, more often than not, and really looking internally, how can I fall so deeply in love with myself? That friendships are just the icing on the cake? I think I get there often. But I'm not quite there yet. And I wonder, I'd like to make this an engaged dialogue. So if you listen to this, you message me on one of my social media channels and let me know what you think. I'd like to hear about friendship. And I'll, I'll post one of these clips, so that you have an opportunity to talk about it with me. friendships. friend ship, I should look that up the meaning of the word friendship. What does it mean to you? And are you friends with yourself? That's your journaling prompt for the week. And right when I looked down at the clock, it said four minutes and 11 seconds. Of course it did. I always see love and after messages from the angels that we're talking about the right things. Thanks for listening. Make sure to subscribe so you never miss an espresso shot or a full length Coffee with Nicoa interview created just for you
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