Espresso Shot 16: DON'T DO THIS!

April 22, 2024 NICOA DUNNE CORNELIUS Season 2 Episode 16

This is a friendly reminder, what you RESIST PERSISTS! Join Nicoa for a possibly "out there" reflection about how you might be approaching life! The power of your mind, your focus, where the mind goes is the foundation of today's topic! What we focus on expands... what do YOU think about most? A LIFE BY DESIGN JOURNALING PROMPT

Happy Designing,
XOXO Your Coach Nicoa


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Nicoa Coach:

sometimes don't, you just need a quick moment of inspiration. Or maybe you just need a moment of caffeinated contemplation to reflect on life. That's the idea behind my weekly coffee with Nicola espresso shots, I'll be sharing short jolts of inspiration in each clip, in addition to my longer Coffee with Nicoa interview episodes, make sure to subscribe so you never miss an espresso shot, or a full length Coffee with Nicoa interview created just for you. Hey, guys, it's Nicoa welcome to your weekly espresso shot. Listen, this one's going to be short, you've got to stop pushing against what you don't want, complaining about what you don't want, you know, where the mind goes, energy flows. So what we focus on expands is, you know, I'm going to repeat this over and over and over again. So I want you to pause and take a deep breath. And I want you to think about a part of your life right now. Something that's going on, maybe it's a person, maybe it's a problem at work, maybe it's a challenge at home, maybe it's a fear about money, maybe it's an insecurity, about your relationship, maybe it's an overwhelm about health and wellness. In other words, whatever you're focusing on, I need you to focus on that and see it from a perspective of isness just accepting what is because if you push against it, if you resist it, if you argue about it, and you resist, resist, resist, what do they say what you resist persists. You cannot get to where you want, by pushing against what you do not want. You cannot get to where you want by pushing against what you do not want. You know, I was thinking about just this is odd, but the war against drugs right in back in the 80s. Or whenever that was, I guess under the Reagan administration, the war against drugs? Well, drugs all of a sudden became this big thing because we focus so hard on it. And we pushed and pushed and pushed and we and now look people getting arrested for half ounce of weed that's illegal. That's legal in multiple states. I mean, we're just making it worse. Well, Nicoa you have to have, you have to have an opinion and push back on things you don't like. What if I invited you to again, think about all those things in your life and even the big things even the MiG the meta things like war and drug use or abuse? How can you accept them as they are? And then positively optimistically possibility? look at ways to overcome them. Not resist or fight them or argue against them, because that's catabolic energy, but say, Okay, well here it is, this is what is happening. This is a circumstance This is situation. Ah, what would I like to do about that? How can I influence that, to to help shift the situation in order to see positive change? How can I embrace what is happening? The person's personality? The lack of funds in your bank account, the overwhelm related to your relationship with your body or your relationship with your partner? How can I accept what is embrace it, maybe even sit with the emotions of it, maybe even have a conversation about it with the other individual? From a space of curiosity possibility. solutioning what is possible here? What what do I wish was happening? Okay, well, how might we create that scenario? What do you want? How's what you're doing getting you what you want? If you're not getting what you want? Are you willing to try a different way? And if you are not willing to try a different way, are you willing to accept what is without judgment? That's your journaling prompt for the week. I know you've heard it before. But believe me, it takes practice. Thanks for listening. Make sure to subscribe so you never miss an espresso shot or a full length Coffee with Nicoa interview created just for you.

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