Nicoa had the distinct honor to sit down with the powerful intuitive Krystina Shea Benson and talk all things energy, quantum healing and intentional LIFE BY DESIGN living! Her passion and goal is to remind humanity that the answers they seek they also carry within their very own hearts.  And, that EVERYTHING IS ENERGY and the insights and knowing that unfold in this dialogue align so well with the work Nicoa does with Energy Leadership! NIcoa was so impressed she hired Krystina to be HER Energy Coach following this interview! Listen carefully and really reflect on what is being offered here. The truth is, we are all here for Soul expansion and to learn how to master ourselves by alchemising the pains of our reality.  The more we live from a heart centered expression in all areas of our lives the easier this world and life will get for everyone.   YOU ARE MORE THAN YOU BELIEVE YOURSELF TO BE!


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Nicoa Coach:

Welcome, everybody, I am so honored to welcome and I will use a phrase, Christina, I'm going to use a phrase that you use every time you go on Instagram. Welcome, beautiful soul. How are you this morning?

Krystina Shea:

Thank you. I am very well, very happy to be here. Thank you so much. I apologize. My dog just hit his drinking trust. Oh, I love it. Oh, we love background noise. We love authenticity. So welcome to Christina's living room, wherever you're sitting in this beautiful space. Christina Benson, you are known as the quantum healing coach. And I have been so excited about bringing you on to the podcast.

Nicoa Coach:

I'm gonna give a little background to and, and some real synchronicities that have happened that make me just, you know, not surprised at all, I would say not surprised. So everybody, please join in, you're going to want to sit here until the very end, I promise you, I know that this is going to be filled with insights and maybe some new beliefs that you've never considered before in your life and your life on planet Earth. So Christina, she prior to her awakening, which we will tap into, was educated and worked as a corrective exercise specialist, a personal trainer, she worked with really special populations, she she worked with individuals who had undiagnosable illnesses, they were you know, in the process of trying to figure out what they needed. And she was really helping them in a rehab perspective, you know, structural injuries, helping people help themselves, but began to recognize that, hmm, we're not getting to the root cause something is really driving these illnesses driving these injuries. And she kept getting repeat customers. Now, I'm going to ask her to talk a little bit more about that today. But ultimately, she came into a new way of being after watching all of this in her world in her work, and said, You know what, there's energy underneath all of this. There's belief systems, and now she's a quantum healing coach. She'll tell us what that means. And her goal is to free individuals of any patterns and limiting beliefs that have been holding them back from an ideal life by design. And I think we're doing the same work. We're just sometimes calling it different things, Christina. So why don't you tell us what in the world is a quantum healing coach? First of all,

Krystina Shea:

a lot. And, you know, I use the word quantum, because quantum is infinite quantum is everything. And what I discovered when I was working with people is that data going back a little bit to the structural aspects. Yes, we can do rehab, we can do physical therapy, but then we had to incorporate nutrition, and then it had to incorporate the thinking patterns. And then eventually, it had to incorporate the emotional processes, life patterns, and even trauma because ultimately, it's everything. So quantum, from that perspective means everything. But then also, because of my abilities, since my awakening, I'm able to see into the quantum field and see and read people's scalar waves. So when I'm working with a person in a session, for example, I'm able to read and scan their body when we're in a meditative state and recognize where there's trapped energy. And it always comes back to like if they have hip problems, for example, there's trapped energy in that area. If they have psoriasis, or throat problems or anything in the throat area, there's trapped energy there. So what I like to do is move the energy through a series of processes and clear it but then also identify how we need to support it in the 3d life because we can't just work with the energy and not support the physiology. So quantum is everything right quantum is everything quantum physics is the first thing that comes to mind to me as well and I've actually had I've done work with a quantum healing hypnosis therapist in the past and and did some kind of regression and really interesting work. But let's let's go to you said this whole thing about energy and in pain and injury and illness. This is reminded me of Louise Hays work yeah, and that's one of my favorite books, you know how to heal the body. Can you explain what I mean by that for people? Absolutely. So, and I think you know this but I'll just also I'm a channel so I receive information. I'm actually working on this behind the scenes. How it's been shown to me and I love Louise L. Hayes work I feel like we're all just building she was the foundation for so many healers that are coming forward. So She's like the godmother of all of this work, right? She brought it to our reality first. But what it is, is our body is literally a living map of our history. So say if you're three years old and something happened, and it led you to feel shameful, you're probably going to have shameful frequencies within, usually, that's in your sacral chakra around the womb area. You know, if you had extreme grief at a specific time in your life, we're going to find those energies in the heart area. And then it also applies to David Hawkins power versus force, the frequency scale. So all emotion, emotion is just energy in motion. And all emotion has a specific frequency. And shame is at the very, very bottom. So we feel I see a lot of people with sexual trauma, who have had deep, deep shame. And so they have those frequencies trapped in specific areas in the body that would correlate to the experience. So getting back to when I was working with people with structural injuries, I couldn't help up, they couldn't heal. It's not up to me, I'm just a guide. I'm just a facilitator, but they couldn't get to the crux of their healing, if we couldn't identify where the emotion came from the energy in motion, or I should say, that wasn't in motion. So our goal is to get the energy moving out of the body, so that the cells can heal themselves, because this is how it's been shown to me. And when I share this type of stuff, this is channeled information. This isn't something I've received from anybody. So let's define channeling, I actually shared a pocket or a YouTube video the other day of a woman named Maria. And when she gives her messages, she closes her eyes. And I've sent it to two or three people and they're like, the first thing they say is why her eyes closed. So could you define channeling for people who maybe words in the 1900s. So, my soul is able to tap into information that they wanted to bring forth into this reality. So we're, when we're channeling I like the easiest way to explain it is just like on your TV, when you're, you're you go to a specific channel, some of us are able to and I feel like all humans have this capability, it's just to varying degrees. But some of us are able to access a more pure channel based on our role here. And oftentimes based on our intention, so for me my intention to want to help people was so so deep I just, my mother was very unhealthy woman and so it and Amy would know that my cousin but my, my mother had so many health issues that helping people heal their bodies was a very heartfelt process for me. So this really opened my channel because my heart was so deeply in it. So when I need the information, it just starts popping into my head and I kit for me, I hear it and then I also see it so I'm able to receive the science and then I'm also able to see into the quantum field, if you will atoms, I'm able to see atoms, subatomic particles, that kind of thing, which is essentially energy. And then I talked about Yeah, and that's, that's a type of clear audience. What are those different categories of ways of seeing or receiving intuitively so there's clairvoyance, which is where we're able to see it. But I think people get confused because we see it with our some people can see it with their naked eye but most of us see it with our third eye and then there's a little bit varying degrees of both. There's clear cognizance, which is clear knowing you just know something and

Nicoa Coach:

I don't know enough, but I know enough to reference things like that with my friends, and so often my clients. So let's describe that you mentioned the scalar waves I know about the solfeggio frequencies. And I'll listen to them. And I'm not sure what they're doing for me, but I'll play it in the whole house. And so could you help us understand that? Yeah, sure. So. So just I'm just going to use a body for reference. So when we have somebody has chained trapped in them, what I'm able to see is the subatomic particles, and I like to use visuals are who is when people see this, are they going to be able to see the video as well, if they choose to? Well, they will be listening at the moment. But I'm going to be sharing these little clips. So go ahead, and I'll make sure and carve this out and share it with the world. And I'll verbally explain it as best I can, too. But this is how I like to explain it when I'm in session, or when I'm working with somebody who really doesn't have a full understanding of what how it works. Everything's vibrating. So if for anybody who's not seeing this, what I'm holding up my fingertips, and what I want you to look at is my fingertips, and they're just slightly vibrating. Everything is always vibrating like this, that's your subatomic particles, right, we have our protons or neutrons, our electrons, they're always vibrating. Now, throughout your body, you have different vibrations, depending on how the body functions, right, because the body is it's one, a simulated vessel that vibrates harmoniously, but somewhat differently in different areas. That's just how the function works. And when we have, for example, a vibration of shame, I'm just going to use the boom area because I see this so much with the actually I'll use the throat because I think the throat a lot of people are having their throat chakras open. So let's use the throat. So if somebody has the vibration of shame in their throat area and their throat chakra, then say if it's supposed to vibrate like this, it might be vibrating like this much, much slower. And then when it's not vibrating at the right speed, then the cellular structure the entire physical vessel is not up to the highest enough voltage where the cells can function properly. So this is where we would we would find autoimmune illnesses, even cancers, all these illnesses that will come up and this will of course, lead into emotional issues because emotions are just energy in motion. So when the energy is not able to be in motion, then it's trapped. So if the energy that's not in motion

Krystina Shea:

think that you're gonna wake up one day and be like, Oh, my abilities wrong and license great lengths is granted, it usually doesn't work like that. Usually there's some type of major crash that has to happen in your life emotionally, physically, spiritually, that brings you to your knees. And then you're like, you're literally on that moment on that floor praying to God, like, please show me why am I here, you know, and that was kind of my that was to my knees was 2018 19 and 20. And then I started, we, we had we started, we had had solar flares for a long time. But I remember, one specific night in February of 2021, I went to bed, I couldn't sleep. And I know a lot of people are experiencing that right now. And that's because of the flares, they're charging our particles and went to bed and I couldn't sleep. And so I got up, and I was sitting in my bedroom at the foot of my bed. And I was looking at this little like dresser that I had, quite literally I would it was as if it was becoming undone, and then coming back into matter. So it was coming out of matter going back into matter. And I was like what the heck is happening here. And so I started writing what I was seeing, and what I was seeing was how matter is formed. So this is what really started to I was being shown either in my mind's eye by my by my soul to my soul, how matter is formed and unformed. And then this is when I began to question So energy is in everything. So that means there's energy in my dresser, and there's even particles that have to come together and it's vibrating at a lower vibration. So that was really the beginning of me really beginning to question things at a higher level and wonder what Okay, so Tesla always said energy isn't everything. I mean, Nikola Tesla, they, you know, the right? He always says energy is in everything. What the heck does that mean? So then I really started going down rabbit holes of wanting to understand the the connection and I am that person who's very, I guess, in a sense, untrusting if I don't if I don't know the science or, or understand the intention, or the truth behind something that I don't trust it. So I told my guides and my soul team, because I did start to channel at that time as well. It told my soul team, if you want me to know, did you want me to believe you, you better start showing me the science behind it. So that's that's how I was showing the science behind how our abilities work. The science behind how matter is formed the science behind things so that I could trust it. So and that's what I'm all about teaching people as well. You know, like, that's why I wanted you on here and I want to highlight people listening, you might thought you might have thought she mispronounced but Christina, you say inner stand inner snap, understand? And how would you describe the difference there? Well, vocabulary is very important when we say we understand something that I'm saying yes, my inner being agrees with what I'm saying or what you're saying. When we say we understand something, we are implying that we stand underneath what somebody else is saying. And I'll never I'll never stand underneath what somebody else is saying unless I actually support them. So it's actually a completely different meaning. And that the vocabulary by that's a whole topic in itself. Because vocabulary is huge. I would recommend for people to look into etymology to really understand the truth behind vocabulary and the frequency behind the words that we speak because the words that we speak affect our subatomic particle structure. And we never want to stand underneath anyone else just like whenever you want to be sorry for something we apologize, but we're never sorry. Absolutely Christina, you're speaking my language, I try to help people understand that you know that your words or your want. And if you want to create a reality that is different than the one you're currently experiencing, then you have to start first by observing your language. And I also use what is referred to as a bill model. So tapping into the body and noticing the emotion and I say energy in motion. I'm like, Ah, soul sister.

Nicoa Coach:

Oh, it's all the same. And so body emotion language, if you were going to take this knowing now and let's give some practical practices to individuals, I mean, you know, I'm sure everybody's getting exhausted and wake up every morning you got to do these three things. You got to say these things got to sit in some ice cold water, you got to you know, 5am Run Club. I'm like, Guys, just listen to your inner self. And then maybe you have some insight however, as to what really we should be practicing. I think the most important thing is joy and no routine. You know, for me, I agree with everything. You just said the cold water for me. I do cold water showers. I have a sauna. I do T Kong I love TiECon and chicanx laps. I do my I do lymphatic massage. I do chanting I do humming but here's the key for all of it.

Krystina Shea:

Don't make it a routine. This is what I try to teach people I work with. When we you know we're breaking out of the 3d we're breaking out of that mindset of living in a routine If I don't care if it's the most amazing thing in the world that leaves you fills you up with joy. If you eventually do it every single day, it's going to become boring and you're going to lower your vibration. So switch it up, you know, have maybe I would, I would suggest list out maybe 10 things that you like doing first thing in the morning, or specific times of the day that you enjoy doing. List out 10 things. And then on that any given day, what do I feel like doing on my list today? Or what does my body need? What do I do anything and one of my I often tell you to check in with your body, there's this whole thing I teach right, you can ask your body what it needs. It's a form of Kinesiology but it's more of an energetic form. And you learn to communicate with your body and ask your body what it wants. Do you want breathwork? today? Do you want the sauna today? Do you want to cold shower today, and then listen to your body, and then be present in your life? Right? I feel like the one we're always thinking, Oh, I have to wake up tomorrow and do my cold bath, and then do this and then do this. And then then it becomes stressful, we need to be present in our bodies. So it's more important to be present in your body and do nothing but feel joy than it is to force yourself to do any of the other helpful healing tools, which are amazing. But again, everything has its place in space. While everybody out there is on a different

Nicoa Coach:

like this spectrum, right? Where some people are able to tap into that presence and acknowledge that what is is happening and they're choosing how they want to respond to that experience. And then some people are like, well, I can't sit still no, you know, and there's so they're vibrating kind of a kind of describe it as a way of being I used to have, which is the vibration is all here from the chest up. Nothing is grounded, right? And we're resisting. We're constantly arguing for our limitations, because we're in our head. And we're not fully present in the body. Yeah, how might we help these individuals who are so scattered? And they, by the way, they're, I love my life, right? I'm happy, I'm enjoy. But it's like, I want to go hug them and go, almost, you're almost there.


What advice do we give them? Like? How do we help people come back into the moment, one thing that a practice that I like to do is, is this very simple visualization that you can do at any time, if there's this and there's a little breathwork, that simple breath technique,

Krystina Shea:

I visualize a gold spinning desk and you can use any color for me, I choose gold, I visualize it spinning inside of my mind. And then I'll just visualize it spinning all the way down through my body down through my feet and going right to the center of the earth. And that helps me to just connect with all of the energy in my body through my feet and feel grounded. Right. So that's something that I like to do. There's also a, there's a mudra. Very, very simple. And these do work. Because your body is a circuit, our body is an electrical circuit, no different than the lights in your house, literally. So if you bring your your forefinger your pointer finger and your thumb together, and you just hold them together, you can be sitting in your car, you can be in an office meeting anything like this, this is creating the circuit to allow your body to be grounded. So that's a great grounding one does really help, especially for people who are working all day and they're in a conversation, they can't think about what they need to do. But they can have their fingers together in this position that will help. And then there's a resonant breathing, which I love. This one really helps me especially if I can't sleep at night, especially with the solar flares when I'm laying in bed sometimes, and you have that little bit of anxiety from the nervous system being activated.


Really, really simple. Just inhale through your nose for five seconds, and exhale through your nose for five seconds for a total of a minute. This brings your body back to what's called homeostasis, which is where the body is at. It's like resting or home state. So when you're able to apply resonant breathing, which is where you're actually breathing with the rhythm of the Earth's Schumann residents, so you're breathing with the rhythm of the earth, and the body can find its home and that will help to really help you be in your body. I really think breath work is critical. And I noticed, you know, my husband, when we first came together, he's in his growth stages of his evolution and expansion. And in when we first met, he had a tendency when he was distracted, to breathe in.

Nicoa Coach:

And he was holding his breath. And then he would let it out and he didn't even know he was doing it. Yeah. And I said, I think you're preventing oxygen. You're preventing connection. Yeah, by that little hesitated, hold. And he said, you know, my therapist told me the same. Yeah, yeah, it's amazing. But now I notice he's, he sleeps better now. He's much more relaxed. He used to be very, you know, with all due respect, sweet man. He was kind of tired.

Krystina Shea:

Eat around things and now he's going with the flow to your point. Is there any other breathwork that you appreciate or practice for yourself that we could share? Yeah, well, I do all different kinds, it really does depend on the body's needs because each breathwork does a specific function. So there's of course, there's the Wim Hof Method, which I would recommend looking into is great, but also be cautious with it because I feel like for some people, it can be a little bit overwhelming at first. So I, when I'm working with somebody, I don't say go right to the Wim Hof Method, because they're, they can be a little bit intimidated. Although I do love the Wim Hof Method. I love Wim Hof, I just want to clarify that. But when I work with people, and they're new to breathwork, then I find that it's a little overwhelming for them. So I will often do what I just shared with you the resident breathing, there's our fire breath, which is where you inhale in and out of your nose very, very quickly, it can get a little bit messy. And the whole function of it is to activate your diaphragm, which your diaphragm actually is your lymphatic system pump. So that's where if somebody has a slow lymphatic system, or maybe they're not even feeling present in their body, that's also another great one. But that's, that's one that's very specific for certain types of illnesses. The other one I love and I don't know the name of it, I don't know that there is a name, but it's where you inhale, and you exhale for 30 seconds fast. So yeah, it's, it sounds a little bit, you know, intimate depending on how somebody's listening, but you inhale through the nose, and then you blow out more air through the mouth. So it's


and this is great for people who are having anxiety, because you would want to do that for 30 seconds, rest for about 10 or 20 seconds, and then do it for another 30 seconds. And what this does is this reference to your husband and what he was experiencing, our body creates what's called neuro peptides. Neuro peptides are created in the brain. And they speak to our, they're created by the endocrine system, and they speak to the body to create the very emotions, they create the cellular function of an emotion. So that's, that's where we say the emotions are really trapped within the body. But neural peptides for example, say if you say if you were crossing the street, and somebody almost hit you with a car, and you you got it, you were fine. But you had that jolt of anxiety where you're like, right, and you just got really nervous for a moment, your body would have created the neuro peptides and neuropeptides would have created a whole series of functions that would have put you in the necessary fight flight and freeze mode to save yourself back in the caveman days, you know, all that kind of fun stuff. But the thing is, those neuro peptides are still in the body, and they need to be excreted out of the body. So when you use this type of breathwork, especially for somebody who has a lot of anxiety, or is just a nervous person, they probably have a lot of trapped hormonal debris within their body. So when they apply this type of breath work, it really gets those, those neuro peptides and those hormones moving, especially if they do this every morning are in a very heightened state. So again, there's different types of breathwork for different types of reasons. And I don't recommend just one, I recommend exploring them all and under understanding the specific physiology needs behind them. Because what just like anything else, when we get stuck in one modality, then it you know, it's not always the best, we're here to explore everything. And that's that's how I believe anyway, I believe that as well. And you know, I really think flow is the the opportunity here. And if you can get breathwork, or any kind of practices that resonate with you into your way of, of healing and expanding I mean, you talk about memory and the cell, right, and these peptides are stuck. So how do we help people, one of the challenges I have as a coach, and maybe you can help me with this is people get so caught up in that past trauma. And they they identify with it. And of course they do because it's still in their body somehow, some way they haven't been able to release it. But it's it's fascinating me that individuals get so stuck in the identity with their past. And they want because they're so desperate to be seen, heard, understood, loved connected with. But I'm like, as a coach, and you talk about being a you said you are you're not a fluff, no fluff kind of coach. I'm kind of a plain talk values based coach myself. And I can sit with you all day long and talk about your historic trauma and send you off to three or four ways to release it. But my next question is, okay, so what, what do you want to do next? Is it is it that everyone is going to be able to let go of that history and move forward into what's possible, or are some people just not going to?

Krystina Shea:

I don't know. Yeah, well, I think that's a kind of, there's again, there's multi But answers to that, because it really depends on a person's individual soul contract. And that's where we get into even higher stuff. But for some people, their soul contract is to maybe relive or live in a specific trauma zone, I'll just call the zone for a lifetime. Maybe it's a karmic influence, maybe it's something that their soul wanted to experience, right? A lot of times I get asked, you know, you know, if, if we're able to heal, then how come certain people don't heal? Well, that's because their soul doesn't want them to heal, their soul might want to experience cancer, or being a quadriplegic, or whatever it is, their soul may have come here for that growth expansion, because ultimately, that's what we are. So there's that there's that aspect. But then there's also, you know, I think it's important that we realize that the body is always in a 3d So we are in a 3d reality, even if we have a five D consciousness mindset, we're never going to change the fact that we're in the 3d reality. And this is where the whole New Earth some of these psychics talking drive me absolutely cuckoo. Because I think that they're scaring people. And the truth is, aren't we are in we are encapsulated in a 3d reality, that's not going to change right now that it's going to be a very long, slow process.


But our consciousness is in a five d, pretty much always we're returning to a five D consciousness state. And what I mean by that, and how this relates to trauma is the body is storing the memory because the body is always going to be in linear time. Whereas the consciousness is like, Yeah, but we're over here, I'm over here, I can see everything right, I can see why it happened, I can see where we can, what will happen when we heal from it, and I can see how we can heal from it. But the body is still holding the memory. So the key is to get the memory, it's a physical process, we have to get it moved from the body. And I think that's where modalities like EFT are great somatic release, breath, work, all that kind of stuff, gets the memory out of the body once we can reprogram the body. And I do mean literally because we have to get it out of the body. But then we have to reprogram the body because the composite the body is just like a computer in the sense that it holds biological code. And if we don't offer it a new program, it's going to go back to its default setting. So when we can recognize that we have to do something to prevent going back to that default. So we have to create new patterns, we have to do the work. This is where showing up every day for yourself. And doing the work is key. And I always tell people that I work with that because I've seen the difference when somebody does the homework that comes through channels homework that comes through versus when they don't do the homework that comes through the strides and the quantum leaps that they're able to make are huge. Whereas the people who don't do the work, they're calling me two or three weeks later, and they've got another problem that's similar to what they came in with in the first place. So showing up for yourself is key and recognizing that you're in a biological computer, even your brain is a computer and he has to be reprogrammed, then you can absolutely heal it. And if somebody is not healing for some very for varying, varying reasons, then it would be because that likely their soul contract came here for that. And then that's a whole nother discussion where some people believe we can end contracts and start a new life. And I do believe that that's possible to a degree but you know that that's work that's done in the astral know, this is phenomenal. This reminds me of the body coding work, I can't remember the name of the guy, but I've had body coding work done over like five, the last five to 10 years, I had this one girl, and I'll send her a note. And I'm like, Look, something's happening. I've got a heart block something is preventing me from accessing myself or both my husband and I have had worked on because we're trying to remove the memory but at the same, you know, whatever's in the way. And I mean, it's shocking. The summaries like half of it. I don't even understand when you know things like the quote will to die energy. Yeah. Wow. What does that mean? I want to go back, you know, I don't want to be in the 3d anymore. So, and that could have been something that happened at the age of like seven. Yeah, so we have all these traumas. Now. I think we need to remind everybody that don't freak out. I think that's what we all signed up for. Like you said, the surgeon contract we're here to have an experience. And there is value in all of it. Exactly. All of it. And you know, i That's why I do rapid transformational therapy, which is hypnotherapy to rewire the brain. Is that enough, though? Do I need to be combining the somatic practices of some sort of movement for the body and the breath work in addition to rewiring them their brain with the sub subliminal messaging after we've done the hypnotherapy work? I mean, I guess it's just a combination, right? Yeah, I feel like again, that's an individual. It's an individual setting. We're all we're all here for different reasons. And we're one the way I went I like to see it as were the same spirit. We're distinct. We're different souls of the same spirit, but we're here for different experiences. So that's just I have a deeper way of saying that everybody has their own journey and so I might not heal the same way you would heal you might be able to heal with with hypnotherapy, I might have to be, you know, up in the gym or out in nature, we all have different ways of healing. And that goes back to our souls chosen experience. And the soul came here for expansion and the soul wants to learn through its healing. So whatever a person or soul chose to expand through is what they're going to heal the best and, and I do often find there is a link to blood type. So I think that blood type is key as well in it plays a role in how the soul is able to communicate to the body. Because if the body is a technical, it's like a biological spacesuit. And blood is what is the is the one thing that connects everything. So when we're talking about that, then the soul is actually it's connecting to the biological spacesuit, but the physiology of the body. So think of it like a model car, every model car works a little bit different, right? So does every model human which is would be basically their base blood type. So there's a whole that's a whole nother level of a conversation. But yeah, and that gets really interesting into genetics and stuff. Oh, God, that we'll talk about that all day. That's so interesting. You know, it really is quite fascinating. Do you have any insight, I mean, I'm sitting here, you know, I'm a coach, I'm helping individuals. And obviously, coaching is about their, you know, your client's inner, inner standing, right, intuitive way of being and what they're drawn to. And usually, people are drawn to different modalities, because they find some sort of excitement or energy around. Oh, that that sounds interesting or positive for me. So I never impose any of those practices or therapies on people, but I do offer them and invite people. And when they're ready, they're ready. And if they're not, they're like, stop talking to me about crystals and feathers. Nicola, I don't want to talk about that. But can we tap in for a minute and ask how much of this effort is just creating more experience? And I'm making my hands come back and forth and touching like, we're all intertwining? Or am I really helping people influence their outcomes? I mean, or was it going to happen anyway? Like, how much of it is free? Will? And how much of it is destiny? Yeah, well, that's another loaded question. I love that question. Because, you know, it's like, here's how it's shown to me. And this gets really interesting. But cool. Let me just try to tap into because I did channel this a while ago. So let me just to tap into the memory of it and the information of it.

Krystina Shea:

You know what? It's like, okay, right. Thank you. Thank you. I'm looking at I'm looking up at the sky. Thank you for that download. Thank you. Can you download the rest of this into me now? Please. Thank you. Thank you. Okay. So it's kind of like, right, thank you. So it's kind of like when you are, when you're you set your GPS to go somewhere. And you know, you want to go from North Carolina to New York. And there's many different roads you can take, right. So you know, your endpoint, your destined point, your destiny is going to be in New York, or you're coming from North Carolina. So no matter what you're gonna go from North Carolina to New York, however, based on any given choice point, which would match your vibration. So as you're moving on your GPS, your GPS starts taking you to New York, now you're going straight, but then something happens, maybe there's a view you want to look at. So you take a right to take that nice looking view. And now you're looking at this nice view that took you on a different road, that's a choice point, that would be a vibration, you were attracted to the vibration of joy, which took you on a more scenic view. Now, if you're going to say that we're back at the same starting point, and we're still heading to New York, but we get on the road and something happens, we something scares us, and we have to jerk the wheel quickly. And so we get a flat tire. So that would be a fear vibrational response causes you to have a flat tire. Now maybe you get stuck in some crappy little city where you have to have your tires, change your car, looked at etc, etc. So that's going to take you on a different path Road, every choice point, everything that happens is it's chosen through a vibration that we carry, or that we choose to attach ourselves too. So as we're going through life, we're always receiving choice points. And these choice points are always based on a specific vibration we're carrying or were attracted to, we're usually attracted to something that we're carrying, because like attracts like. So no matter what you're always going to end up in New York, you're always going to end up at your destined point. However, just like when we use our GPS and our car, and our and we take that wrong turn to your little lady and the little GPS thing goes, rerouting rerouting, your life can end up in a continual state of Rerouting. So you might not get to that choice point until you're 5060 or 70 years old, or you might get there as quickly as possible. Based on the amount of times you were rerouting and your chosen experiences which would have been determined by the vibration you were carrying and there

Nicoa Coach:

For the vibrations that you were drawn to, yes, everything is a choice point. And if we knew that those choice points, so they're layered choice points. Absolutely. Because I mean, we you said that about the flat tire, I immediately went to a memory of driving down college road and seeing an item in the road and thinking, Oh, my God, I don't want to hit that. Yeah.


I hit it.

Nicoa Coach:

tire goes flat, try to call for help try to call for help not getting a response in a timely manner supposed to be in Raleigh. needed, need the other car. And my new man has to come and save the day. And I thought, Oh, that was a test about him saving me. Yeah, that had nothing to do with the tire. That I mean, it was a layered I want to feel loved and taken care of and that I am not abandoned. Yes. And no, that's why that happened. So our choice if you can really recognize the choice points, I love the phrase as an opportunity to heal and observe yourself and it is happening for me in some way.

Krystina Shea:

It's also because of me exactly what it mean for me. I ultimately become more of a higher vibration when I have those validating points. Oh, yeah, I'm healing that. Okay. Look, I am not alone. Look, he did come. He did save the day. Not that I needed this day to be saved. But there was a part of me that did yeah, it was wounded and still needed that love and attention in that moment. Oh, that's beautiful story. And you know, I think and it's so right, because the way I like to look at it. And what's being shown to me is that's because there's there's an eye in the sky. So say, for example, you were you were for whatever reason, before, that you had lost the ability to really trust and feel like somebody would show up for you. So that your eye in the sky, your soul, your guides, your angels, God, whatever somebody chooses to use as a vocabulary word would, would have been, you know what we need to remind her, we need to get her back on the shorter path to New York. So we are going to put something in her path, it's going to seem like an obstacle. But in the end, it's going to help get her back on the path that she needed. So yeah, that's absolutely things are loaded. And we always have somebody watching out for us. And I think that that's also where, again, doing the work. And by work I mean, praying, meditating, staying connected with your inner self is going to help you no matter. So no matter what path or what choice point you end up taking, you can always rewrite and reroute your own path. Based on the work you're doing internally to shift your vibration and asking for help. Right, we need to remember that, ultimately, we're in these vessels, but that we have some powerful beings above us that are always there willing to help if we just tune in and ask. And I think we have to tune in and ask in a way that is not out of this.


That lower vibration of catabolic kind of frustration. Like why aren't you helping me it's more of okay, I'm now open and ready to receive your help. Please help me? And isn't that part of the Free Will piece that I have to ask after? I used to think I was like, what kind of a God doesn't just help everybody. But it's because we signed up for some sort of soul contract for an experience and, and God the universe spiritual support teams are like, Alright, you're on your path. Let us know if you need us back. And we're here. Right? Exactly, yeah, that's exactly how it is. We came here for the individual experience of the hole. So you know, we're all pieces of the One God of the one creation, we're all the same energy, but the same energy wants to experience itself in multiple facets. So it's can only do that when we have a freewill choice. So and the way the way it's shown to me is it's kind of like, you know, say if, say if source energy is this big, and I'm just making a round finger with my brown, a circle with my hands, but same source energy is this big. And I'm not saying that it is I'm just using this as an example. Every time our souls go out and come back with experience, sole source expands, then morsels returned with more experiences more expansion. So God Source Creator is expanding itself and its own consciousness, vibration and awareness by allowing us to have our individuals Free Will experiences. So yeah, we do have to ask for help. And we have to welcome in the energies as well.

Nicoa Coach:

Man, I could talk about this all day, you know, this is the fun stuff, right? This is really the fun stuff. And if we can relax and I want everybody to imagine if you're having a hard time, I want you to take the blinders off. Like imagine your horse just take the blinders off, and just sit there. Yeah, just look around and just take in these words just just ponder. Not that you have to believe anything. But if you can open yourself up to ponder it. Just just experience if this were true, how would that make me feel? How would that change my life experience if this were true? If I allowed this to be a belief that I carried with me and assumption and interpretation of life. How would my world change? Don't be afraid of just sitting in the thought and experience of pondering, you can go back to whatever it is that you've been experiencing and choosing in your life path. Yeah. But I invite everybody listening today to open themselves to that. Did you always research this type of stuff when you were younger? I mean, was your upbringing one of a unique one, I would like to tap back in how did you get here so quickly? In the last, you know, well, it's,

Krystina Shea:

you know, in my own personal life, I had trauma in my life as a young girl, I think a lot of us have that we believe it or not, we sign up for trauma. And that's a whole nother conversation. But I had some traumas that happened in my life. But now that I've cleared them, when I did the soul retrieval work to clear them. I remember as a little girl have, this is how I worked, I was able to talk to because I talked to trees, I talked to animals, I'm able to directly connect, communicate with our consciousness, energy, everything has a consciousness. So as a child, I would spend most of my time in the woods behind my house, talking to trees, talking to the grass, talking to the air talking to the wind. So I thought I was just, I wanted to child, I just thought it was normal. To be honest, I didn't even think much about it. It wasn't until I went into school and got groomed, just like every other child to realize to feel like I was different. And then that was really hard for me because I was so sensitive. And you know, I was, I was the first that child who would always want to help the other children to the point where I got bullied, which was not always a good thing. But then my mom, my mom was really cool. My mom was that kind of lady. We had psychic Sundays, like from the time I was like, I want to say 11 or 12 to like 15 or 16. Every Sunday, we had a meditation group in our house with psychics all over and play with crystals and play what I had a pendulum in high school. So when I would come home from school, and would be asked about yummy wondering, is Tommy going to take me to the prom? Like, who am I going to go to the prom with, I'd be sitting there playing with my pendulum or the ruins and the Viking ruins and doing that kind of thing. Instead of going to play soccer or basketball like that was my life growing up? And then I got away from it in my 20s I think like a lot of people do. You know, I went through my own a young adult phase where I had some fun and I, you know, explored a lot. And I was like, I wasn't really into anything except for going out dancing and that kind of thing. And then it started to return when my ability started to return. And actually around 2012 around 2012 I, I heard this term called incarnated Angel and I was like, What the heck does that mean? Because I always knew I was different. But I didn't really understand what the difference was or the layers of souls. I just knew that. For me, as a child, I talked directly to God, I would just talk to the energies it didn't know how or why. So when I heard the term incarnate Angel, I started learning a little bit more. And then I heard the term star seed and then I heard all these other terms. And I was like, Alright, so there's different types of souls. Well, what the heck does that mean? And it just I pondered this question on and off for years. And then a couple years later, like I said, 2015 my abilities turned on and then and then I went through my major awakening process during my dark night of the soul. And so yeah, that's kind of how it worked for me. No, I think it's a wonderful story. I'm very jealous of psychic Sunday's, I'd like to start implementing those right away.

Nicoa Coach:

was so cool. She was like the coolest lady ever. Oh, I've met and that I'm sorry. You lost your mom. You said she passed away. And yeah, I lost my father a year and a half ago. And it's been interesting. Since his passing, I've actually I've suffered, I used to be the happiest person I knew. And I've really, it's really an uncanny for me, I'm really suffering over that new way of being that I don't know who I am, I must be shedding the layers. And because it is because I'm a little frustrated. So for those of us that don't have those really clear, you know, clairvoyance and all those Claire's you know, some of us know enough about it that like me, like I really like I crave. I want mine to open. Like I like, how come mine haven't happened yet. And yet, I want to give myself some grace because I happen to have skills related to related to the 3d world that are powerful, and I can communicate really, really well. And that's why you're on this podcast. I know. Like I know, like, I know that I have a voice and an ability to connect with multiple layers of what's happening here. And I'll be able to share this that if I was just doing it ever hear and opening my abilities, I might not have the platforms and the skills to share it and that's why you are here with me today. So I recognize there's value in all but there is a

Krystina Shea:

Part of me is super ready, like super ready. So I'm gonna have to do some work with you, I think how about that? Yeah, that sounds amazing. And I just want to I feel like you already are like, when I look at you, I see your, you have such a big consciousness. And you're, it's a clear cognizance that I see coming through for you and you have such a large consciousness, it's kind of and that's what it is, you're, you're able to tap into networks of energy. Because your consciousness is so big that it's, you're just doing it organically. And I think that that's what happens for a lot of people. It's just an organic process, you know, there's, and again, this gets back to soul contract, is how some people are supposed to sit in sessions and do readings and that kind of thing. And then there's those of us I'm kind of like you, I'm able to tap into it when I want to. But for the most part, I allow myself to be organically led when I would, unless I'm in a specific session where we need I need to go into the astral plane and do it, then it's different. But again, we're all all humans are psychic. I think that's, that's the biggest takeaway in that whole little conversation right there. Because all humans are psychic. And it's time that we realize that we're just antennas for God, Source Creator or higher self, angels, whatever you want to call it, you're a huge antenna, you really aren't huge antenna. That's why you're able to tap into everything you are. So just trust your antenna. I do. And I appreciate you saying that it's validating, we need to be reminded that what we're doing and how and who we are is enough. And no matter how you show up, you can't get this thing called life wrong. No. And if you don't play out the soul contract this time, you can play it out somewhere else, or come back here, I guess. Assuming? Yeah, yeah. Well talk to me in as we wrap up, because I'm gonna have to have you back like multiple times. And I keep putting on Do Not Disturb. But all these messages keep coming through. It's the angels. They're trying to validate us with the bills. So tell me how your life is designed intentionally now differently than it was before your awakening? How do you leverage now this knowing and create a life by design that you love? Well, I think for me, the key is, if I don't love doing something, I won't do it. You know, I was a people pleaser. I was one of the I was I grew up in a household, a family where we we would show up even if we didn't necessarily want to. And that was also part of my awakening process was that was one of the first steps one of the first steps is to show up just for yourself, and it will feel selfish at first. But and this is a channeled message I often receive, and I teach to people, you have to be selfish to be selfless. You can only show up for other people when you you truly show up for yourself. So that would be the first thing I do every day is I check in with myself. And I asked myself, you know, this is what I have to do today, I have this appointment in this appointment. But beyond that, what do I want to do today? What feels good today, getting back to the 10 point list? What will allow me to feel my best self today. And then I follow the guidance. And you know, I think it's also I'm just going to be completely honest and fair share that sometimes it's a little bit overwhelming when you're going through this stuff. Because, you know, we came from this 3d mindset where you knew what you were going to do when you were 20. When you're 30, when you're 40, when you're 50, we had all these maps planned out for us, right, and that keeps it easy. But that doesn't offer the soul the growth that it really craves in life. So there has to be as a part a part of us a huge part of us that's willing to just open up and accept the unknown, right leap off of that cliff and say, All right, God, what do you got in store for me? Because I hope there's a parachute here, right? So I'm in that actual process right now myself, in my own life, I sold my house in Connecticut, I moved to Asheville, and I have no idea what I'm doing other than showing up for myself in a loving way every day. And allowing myself to be open to people like you reaching out to me and being invited into new ways. And I'm meeting all sorts of new people and having conversations that I would have longed to have years ago, but I didn't know that people, people would look at me I was that person that used to talk and people's eyes would glaze over. So now people want to hear what I have to say. So it's fun for me. So to answer your question, you know, I show up for myself every day and offer myself what I need in the best and most loving way that I can. And I There's a saying that I always say I am open to all and attached to none. And I allow whatever's coming into my life to reveal itself. And I keep my heart open with a boundary. But I keep my heart open and I'm like okay, God is this for me is this not for me, and then I allow myself to trust the process and see what unfolds.

Nicoa Coach:

Ah, thank you. That is beautiful. And that must be what I'm doing right now. Yes, it's very different than it used to be this big space and your your ability to I think even Martha Beck talks about standing in the middle of her home in the morning when she has an overwhelming to do lists and she'll stand very still. And she'll ask the question, what needs me today, and she'll feel her body pulled towards the desk for the bills or outside to walk through the trees and I him doing that more and more and more. But it is hard to let go of those habits and you have to rewrite the story. You're gonna rewrite the life and you're not really rewriting it, are you? You're just remembering the real story. Yeah, you're on programming yourself letting the ego die. That's right. Well, the last question I'll ask because I have to wrap it up. Because, you know, I mean, I don't have to, but it's been an hour. And it went by so quickly, I love to ask this question to my clients. And, and again, I also wanted to validate your thing about being selfish, I call strategic. It's called strategic self care, being selfish, you know, it's self care is not selfish. It's strategic. So you just described that strategy and your day to day, what is the one thing that you want to celebrate the most about you, as a being before we hang up?

Krystina Shea:

I would say, my ability to show up as a seemingly weirdo and be my most raw, authentic self, I mean, to go from being


you know, a woman who lived I was that woman who had I'll just, I had all the plastic surgeries done that's a whole nother I was that woman who my goal was to be like a real housewife, right? You know, I had, I had the fake boobs, I had the blown up lips, I had it all done to go from that, to trusting myself in the darkness of my own bedroom, sitting there in my PJs, with my hair and a messy been watching Adams swirl in and out of this bureau, to be able to go through all of that process, evolutionary process and get to the other side of it and still use and learn to use my voice and show up as seemingly a weirdo so authentically, that it's helping other people to show up as themselves authentically, because, you know, I'm realizing that's my soul's one of my soul's mission is to help people to feel comfortable to be themselves. And I had to go through a long process of that undoing process of myself in order to be here to do that. Wow, that and I didn't even realize that but you're right, the I did. I did shrooms once with a guide, a coach and a handful of people. We stayed in the house. And the one word that kept coming to me was you was attachment. You're attached. You're attached. You're attached. You're attached. I mean, after the whole few hours. I was like, Okay, I get it. I get it. I'm attached. Yeah. And I still am I'm still attached. I'm still attached to the yard looking just quite right. And you know, in my hair looking, you know, I put the headphones on twice before getting into the, but I also recognize that that was an experience. You had an experience. And you I'm proud of you, too. I want to celebrate that for you too. Because you were able to let go to let in. Yeah. And there it is the in the inner standing. I want us to leave on that one word. I love it. And I forgot to tell everybody that. So another really cool synchronicity was that your cousin and I connected at the minimum in many stories event, and you haven't even been talking to your cousin as much as I have. I mean, I was like, what? So we're all meant to be your family and our family, I guess is supposed to connect Absolutely. So grateful. Give her a hug for me. I gotta I gotta reach out to her today. Give her a hug for me. I will and I hope you'll come visit us in Wilmington. Love to it's funny. Willie keeps getting brought up to my attention from various people. You are now the third person in two weeks that brought Wilmington up to my attention. I'm like, okay, apparently I gotta go see Amy. I don't know what's going on here. You must need some water energy right now. I really do. I miss the ocean. Yeah, I'm an ocean girl. And I do miss it. Oh, me too. Well, you're welcome to come here. I've got multiple bedrooms. We got six kids. So there's plenty of room here. They're all out of the house. We have room for you. Please come visit and it'd be my honor to host you. And we'll sit and look at the water and have coffee with Nicoa Yeah, that sounds awesome. Thank you. Nicoa. Thank you, Christina. Such an honor. I will talk to you again soon. Thanks for joining us for a caffeinated conversation. Subscribe to Coffee with Nicoa for more stories from people living a life by design. You can also find inspiration on Instagram. Just follow Coffee with Nicoa and check out our website Coffee with and that's Nicoa N I CoA. We look forward to talking with you soon. And enjoy your coffee between now and then

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