What a beautiful, wise conversation amid the sounds of a cafe sitting along a marina's edge in Ibiza, Spain between Nicoa and the beautiful @ibiza.with.justine Justine Huyghebaert - a 25 year old mermaid, sailor, traveler and a concierge trip designer! After Nicoa and Justine made an online connection in the Spring of 2023, amazingly it turned into a wonderful face to face a year later when they both were in the same spot during Nicoa's sailing yoga vacation to Spain! Of course that happened! So much is said and left unsaid in this conversation reflecting on life at different stages, and how to find yourself again after domestic abuse and redesign your happiness when life doesn't go as you wish. Nicoa holds space for this young soul and hopes the energy from the interaction finds its place in your heart and your own reflection as you kick off your new year and continue your LIFE BY DESIGN.

FOLLOW JUSTINE on Instagram: @ibiza.with.justine

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Nicoa Coach:

Hi, everybody. Welcome back to season two. This is one of the remote recordings that I did back in the fall when I was on my yoga vacation and holiday with my husband sailing around the Bailey, Eric. Now, hopefully, you've you'll take a listen to the interview I did with Pablo and Donna, who hosted us. But while I was there, I also reached out to an Instagram person whom I had found back maybe a year ago. And before I even knew that I was headed to Spain, I had asked her if she would be willing to be a guest on my podcast. And guess what? She said? Yes. And that's this interview. But it gets even better. Not only did she say yes, and a lots, a lot of things changed during that time between when I ultimately decided to head to Spain. But she agreed to meet me in person while we were there. And there was a lot of back and forth on WhatsApp trying to make sure we could coordinate a meeting. But we finally did. And I joked with my husband that it sounded a lot like I was doing an NPR interview. You could hear clinking and clanking in the background at the cafe where I'm using my remote microphones. And I did my very best. And at the end of the day, I hope that you can understand and enjoy the interview. She speaks French is her first language and English as her second actually, she probably speaks more languages than that. But she is a beautiful soul, a young soul. Only 26 years of age, the same age as my son as I'll highlight in our interview, but she brings a lot of wisdom. She is you can go follow her right now. At Ibiza with Justine, I biz a dot with dot Justine just I N E. She is a mermaid in Ibiza, she says a sailor and a trip planner. And she does tailor made events for people visiting Ibiza. And what I love about that is that you can coordinate with her any experience that you want. Now she's just now launching her life by design very intentionally with great hope, as well as some fear. And we talk a little bit about life. And some of the hard knocks that she's already been exposed exposed to. But the best part about her is that she's this beautiful life by design hippie, sailor and lover. And I love her very much. Thanks for listening. Grab your coffee and join me Nicoa For a caffeinated conversation about life. I'll be talking to people who have chosen to walk their own paths and just like me, are creating a life by design. I hope it will give you the inspiration you need to do exactly the same. I've done about 15 Yeah, so so far so good.


All the time. Like since life by design, by design and like changing of life of people. Yeah, so

Nicoa Coach:

people that are creating a life yeah, like to say it this way. Yeah, creating a life that they don't need a vacation from. Yes. It doesn't mean they don't take vacation. Okay, all right. Yes. Your life just been integrated and find the joy in you integrate yourself. And you also are creating experiences for people to come and travel and Ibiza.


Yeah. For me, it was not making sense to start over somewhere where I don't feel happy. All right, feel limits are

Nicoa Coach:

so limited. So you're French by Origin. Is that right? Yes. So tell us how you got to Vita, zero your joy. Have you been here a long time? Or did you have you traveled all over? I


never been actually two bananas have been traveling a lot since I was 18. Yeah, but by keeping things like that, and also working in some countries, but always far away in the end of France, because I wanted to discover culture. I don't know I guess you know, to be far from home, and I never been in Spain. And in the end, I fell in love of Polaris. Two years ago, firstly, Majorca and then I discovered Ibiza by boat was like amazing. Oh my gosh. Well, that's how we we met I saw you on Instagram.

Nicoa Coach:

You're pretty previous experience on a beautiful boat that you were restoring. And I know that that served you for a minute until it did not. And you had to make some changes. But before we go there tell me about growing up what what who is Justine, your siblings and wherein in France are you from?


I'm from France. The area of price 20. Yes, capital. And I grew up very in a small country. countryside new to horses calls. Oh, wow. I'm home with my brothers, which was older for years and now orders me. Yeah, very simple family with very good values. And then I grow up I wanted to be a midwife, doctor and midwife. Yeah, then I've been passionated this pessaries and also my scientific like I do I study pessaries and I work in pharmacy in balance, ethically, limousines. He's been there for a year now. And I hated it. hated it. I wanted to lease this girl's very famous saying there, five stars hotel, you know, like, everything that we were seeing, you know, on the TV, right? And then I was like, No, it's not for me. It's a provision life isn't for me is a laboratory life is not for me. I don't see anything in the light. I don't have any contact with the real world. No social life. So I explodes. And we never really traveled with my family. And I was just like, it was a mix of everything. And I needed like a big change. So I went for vacation. And I immediately fell in love of this way of traveling by banking, of course, at the, at the time, I was young, you know, I didn't have the same money. So you know, it was very hostile. Yes, exactly. But I fall in love. And it opened my mind so much. It loves me a lot. And then I just question my, my choices, my life, everything. Yeah. To try to find something, which would be more me, even if I will not know yet. So may I ask you how old you are now? azendoo 525. So I have a son who's 26 It's lovely. And you have done so much in such since you were 18 when you started traveling around? It feels like a lifetime to you. Yeah, it looks it looks like yesterday. In a lot. Yes. It's been a wonderful, I will not do the same things that I did before. But it's it led me here where I am. So it has been quite amazing. When you were traveling, did you travel alone? Yes. All the time. All like that. Yeah, because like, I was like, my first trip like was eaten but then I really moved like my team and now she's you like a word to bug even flew since the first trip. I never had friends who wanted to do since spring. It's just too scary or their problem or not liking them or Amir? I was I am not going to be blocked. Because I don't have friends. And in the end, it's learned me way more I think to be alone because you are more open you go more to the people. You I learned English tends to travel into so and you're more free. You know you are more than it's what I wanted. I was to discover myself. Well,

Nicoa Coach:

that's a really beautiful gift you've given yourself because a lot of people don't do it. They're too afraid, like you said, or they don't have the support from the people around them. Very brave of you.


Yeah, it's brave Wallace's choices. To not be afraid about the judgment of the elbows or of yourself and not leaving the fears but to live with. What excites you or to make you curious? Yeah, I met a lot of people who are fed and I always try to push them towards what they truly want. Yeah, not what the society or people want for them.

Nicoa Coach:

That's a real learning. And you know, when you're encouraging others, you do it all the time on your Instagram account, which is Ibiza with Justine. Right. And so we want everybody to pause and go follow Justine because she has some big plans in the future. But yeah, what did you learn about yourself that you talk a little bit you hint about? I had to find myself I made I won't do those things again. What are some of the things you've learned? Yeah. Well,


I learned to be not shy, to be civil, to go to the others to, to, to meet different culture and to not have Swan judgments when you don't know you know, to be more open mind. You to also be more present,

Nicoa Coach:

be more present.


Slower and genuinely go Do you have to loosen yourself or so you know, when you it's another life, you know, and you discover your ribs? You discover your passion or soul trying different things. Yeah, you maybe discover where your home wants to be. And what you actually want to find has a purpose of life. Yes.

Nicoa Coach:

What do you what have you found for you at this stage? Would you like to talk about the previous partnership? And what happened there? Yeah, sure. Yeah. So sailing, do we want to share the name of the boat? Or should we not know? Probably should not. Yeah. So let's talk about the experience. What was that like for you?


It was amazing. After Life, and traveling by Lance, I really wanted to travel by sea and to see sensation and lifestyle. And so I met my boyfriend's has a crew. He just have boats aboard. Nice classic some boats from 62. And imagined Greece. It was very really nice boat who needed restoration. For us to be able to leave on it's a full time and to maybe made a project with it, which is has happened after. So first, we did like a month of restoration.

Nicoa Coach:

You really did. I just want to say you are a hard worker. You got up every morning and you gave 110% to the restoration. Yes, the preparations below you were standing food and


it wasn't very intense. Yes. And, you know, when you begin a work with both, it's like you had 10 mores and what she's up to take you like a week, like a month.

Nicoa Coach:

Oh, I was impressed.


And today we're passing passing. And we were like, Yeah, we should live at the beginning in that trail. You know, it was a goal. And we were seeing the spring already gone and the summer beginning and we left. How to Lie exhausted.

Nicoa Coach:

You I'm sure you were exhausted, be happy. Yeah. But yeah,


it's a lot of work. It's I was more helpers, like as a Directioner. You know, but it was very, very interesting. And this is actually when I understood what both is the fact to work with, like both work to restore her. It looks like wow, it's a beautiful machine. You know, Cisco that especially sees kind of both classic sailboats which is like, wheel diamond, you know, really

Nicoa Coach:

is a beautiful and full wooden boat. Full was. So I was raised with a wooden sailboat. My father and he started a business at the same time. Okay. And he said to me, you can't own a business and earn a wooden sailboat. Many candles. Thank you. We have some beautiful croissants joining us right now and my cortado and your Americano. No. Let's toast cheers. Yes to this to your new life by design. And thank you for being with me, Justin.


Thank you. My pleasure.

Nicoa Coach:

So yeah, my father said, there's too much work for woodenboat You cannot start a business and restore a wooden bed at the same time.


Well, yes, it's true. It was very challenging. It was a very challenging project specially when my ex boyfriend voted he didn't have any clue also about work on wooden boats. And even though idea about a business. So it's about in general, it's good. Also some time to not check too much, you know, and let the flow come and in the end, you learn it went pretty well, you know, but it's true. I will do if I bought a boat of course it would like a classic boat but I would recommend to people to have some knowledge.

Nicoa Coach:

We were on this boat for the past two weeks and every once in a while something would go awry. And I thought if I did this alone, I would need to have so many so much training in you know, engines and electronics. Yeah, I mean there's always something that goes


yes and you learn every day about the suit at the beginning you know you call someone to fix it. A lot of money and if your passion and you want to learn you know you, you watch him to work and then you know you you begin to learn slowly, slowly like that to watch them working. But yeah, we were lucky in Greece to have someone who a friend that we met in Greece in the summer who had a wooden boat and who was like, or mentor, and help us and I gave us a lot of chips. Thanks to him. So it was more easy of course.

Nicoa Coach:

What did you learn about yourself in that process?


Well, I didn't know I could be able to actually work with like, like, you know, like this robots warfare says, like, this kind of work materials with like, I'm not the guy. You know. I was very happy about the challenge. One of my dream always has been to be volunteer to be, you know, like home in Japan and stuff like that. Oh, yeah. And I remember I say to my accent, say, yeah, why not to join you in this adventure? It's like, I'm repairing a boat. Another home, you know? Yeah, exactly. And my dad, I was like, constructor. Yeah, cuz it was like a little bit like, it's making me think to him to do that. So you're sure. So now what I did was very good. It sets me really think that I really like in the end to work with my hands, and especially the wood. I really like I totally, I understood what was it both and a class board but also like, I fall in love of the boat at this moment, because to work leaves the woods. It's really more pleasing than plastic. It's like, it's one bone, you know, like with everything that's been

Nicoa Coach:

nice. enjoyer croissant. My father, he passed away a year ago when he was a woodworker. So I think he appreciates what you're saying, because he spent more time, you know, sanding and varnishing than he did sailing. But he loved it. Yeah, it's true. I wish everyone could see these croissants and the beauty. I feel like we're in we're actually in Paris instead of in Ibiza. Yes. So your parents were very supportive of you traveling? Or was that? Have they always been supportive? Is that difficult for them? Yeah,


it was way too difficult. That little girl, you know, leave like that. From the, I mean, my life was kind of very well directed and very well organized, everything was logical. And like, in one minute, everything have changed. And they did an expense out a fold with me, it will be okay. And that with my brother will be more difficult. And in the end, it turns opposites. And they will still like they have accepted Of course, my life, which have been taking many different direction in this past seven years. But I know I will never have the support that I won't. Because is didn't leave this kind of experience themselves. And they have another education. So it's not easy for them to know really what's going on. But I appreciate that now, you know, sir? The okay, we've it's even free same time. It's like, When are you coming back to the normal life just paying? Mom, that's my normal life.

Nicoa Coach:

Yes, it is your normal life. I'm very proud of you. Thank you. And I think that if they're listening now, perhaps they're listening to the podcast. And I would say to them, I'm looking at a very strong young woman who I've been watching online and I know online is one view. Yes. But our communications i They should not worry. Yeah. For sure, for sure. They don't speak English. There need someone to translate this Bucha That's it. That's all. Well, I hope that you continue to believe in yourself like this. This is something that people I coach people in their 40s 50s 60s. And they still have a hesitancy because they they followed the path that the people in their world told them to follow. Yeah, which can be very good. But at the same time, if your intuition and your heart is telling you to do something different. Exactly,


yeah. But it's not always easy to do to keep going also because it's new challenges all the time coming. And it's always easy to come back to your comfort zone, you

Nicoa Coach:

know, that's right. It is a comfort zone


after even after solang to copses life where I go with To what really warms my heart. Like to have sittin here was willing, not easy. Yeah. Was more easy to come by Paris, for sure. But yeah, you have to really be strong. And

Nicoa Coach:

you've had to really find some strength in the last year. And you've shared a lot on your Instagram account about the disillusionment of the previous relationship, what you thought was going to be beautiful turned out not to be right. Would you mind sharing your learnings there? And with all due respect to your previous partner, there were some things that you had to encounter and then finally stand up and say, No, I need to move on. What would you like to share? Now?


Yeah, well, sometimes we are more attached to a life or projects than the real person. And we accept things that we shouldn't accept, which is not normal, which is can be really dangerous, or, Oh, well, you don't have your place. But yeah, I think you should be careful to that. And to not be too much influence by some other people will tell you that everything is okay.

Nicoa Coach:

All right. And you were being told everything is okay. And you got you got caught up in the trappings of the story, right? Yeah,


I was like, everything is again, we have a beautiful life on the beautiful classic sailboat. Why should I be happy or complaining? And so since things service, they have been used to do things against me, right, which were no mo. So.

Nicoa Coach:

So what Justine is referring to is she was in a relationship that just wasn't healthy. And toxic, it was very toxic. And, you know, we've talked with people on the podcast before who had to get out of those types of situations as well. So it's not unusual, unfortunately. But I'm really proud of you. Because when we all were looking in from the outside, it did look like the perfect relationship. Sure, it was beautiful. In some ways.


It was nice, but I was also taking care of just Instagram and it was kind of my refuge where I you know, I was posting just the dreams that I wish I was living. And it was a way also to hide to create my bubble, you know, and to always be happy and the boat and like to put down Yeah, clearly it was a bit fake. I mean, we had beautiful, beautiful time. But yes, it wasn't the truth. When you're in a toxic abusive relationship. It's really hard, especially on the boat 24 hours together with the same business the same home. So the duties that you have to do a project that I've built like from A to Zed. Yeah, Instagram, just clients fangs.

Nicoa Coach:

And so that was hard to walk away from that. Yeah,


um, yeah, it was whispering subtle, kind of also towards the client the image, so I didn't want to disappoint them. But in the end, it's like, because if I was doing that, I was like, disappointed. It's also my dream. You know, I was like, I was a bit blind. I didn't want to see you know, what was happening. I was living in the dream and that it will change and he was not personally but then in the end, it is my own guests who make me leave the boat. So this is where I really begin to solve the reality. What

Nicoa Coach:

was what did you do? Did you pack up and leave? I mean, how did you find yourself and get the strength to make a change


while my guests took my hand and say we are living so you're living with us?

Nicoa Coach:

Your guests on the sailing trip? So people came and they saw what was happening? Yes, they encourage you to follow them and leave exactly


and feel it's maybe good to seize it someone could see

Nicoa Coach:



yeah, I mean, I was also all the time pretending everything is okay you know like no he's okay don't worry he's like then that's fine. Or you know, I was excusing him and then like I still like does is really too much but I mean, I had a lot of sign you know, like it's not no matter what he did to me but like I was like, still protect him so that someone's so here was, yeah, really, really life changing very, super hard. And The things who have open even after just a few days was even more hard. So, yeah, you know, it's just like

Nicoa Coach:

what did you say to yourself to keep you keep yourself going and to motivate yourself? I know you, you shared rather authentically online and said, you know, you've got to take care of yourself, you know, I deserve to be treated well. And so, what was the self dialogue? I always talk about? What are you saying inside that head


you cannot stay in sister situation believes that better things will come and that you're happy with sis men and actually see slow because it sees the man is like that, you know, that I should begin to love myself first. Because obviously, it was also because of that. And Miss of confidence that he has had this, me. And so I was like, yeah, now it's time to. To, to think about you. Because you deserve better. And because you don't need the game actually to be successful. Because you already done quite the thing alone about the business. So you can make your own business.

Nicoa Coach:

Yeah. So there was some value there and that you recognize Wait, I am strong? Yeah, fine. Do this.


Did you know he was a pervert, narcissistic? Yeah,

Nicoa Coach:

narcissism is a significant challenge is


was all the time manipulating me. And like, I was believing I was no thing that anything that I was doing was, she was never enough. And that's why I also felt like I was stupid or even crazy. And so when I just saw old design, you know, all of it. And then, you know, two days later, there was new guests, and he kissed the girls. I mean, it was just a lot, a lot, a lot of different things. But it really gave me the strength to, to pass over and to, to be a real stop in my life. And to, to stop to think that I will find love and support in the overs and actually having a great energy. That's why actually fall in love with me also, because, you know, I'm, it's like that good analogy to my Chinese and like he takes energy.

Nicoa Coach:

Draining you. Yeah, exactly. I understand. And yes, and you have so much energy, you're a bright light, and you're ready to pursue something even better. Yeah, like to say, I think there's value in all, maybe you needed that extreme experience to really wake up and remind yourself that you can do this by yourself. Exactly. And


I'm very grateful about two. I mean, of course, it has been surprised how but you know, in all our three years relationship, a lot of things have happened, but the real em have been done here in Ibiza. And at this time, you know, I think I believe in timing. And before I was not ready to believe in me or to do this business that I have now. So you know, I'm very grateful. And that was the time and even food it was super hard. But yeah, now it's really touched me to believe in me and to trust me and love me. And I think it's crazy that people have so much difficulty to actually love themselves, which should be the base of life, you know, because if you don't love yourself, you will never be happy. And this is my biggest lessons.

Nicoa Coach:

The biggest lesson we all need to love ourselves and what we're so worthy. When we love ourselves, it's like we're loving each other. It's at the same time.


Yeah. When you love yourself, you can give love to the Oh, very, like,

Nicoa Coach:

yeah, if we're looking externally for the validation or support or love, then we will always come up short, I think. So it doesn't mean we don't need that support and love from others. But it's so much more fulfilling when we trust that we're deserving of that love. Yeah, and deserving of a relationship that's supportive and healthy and partnering and collaborative and only eyes for you. Right. So that's the next phase of your life for sure. Yeah. Tell us a little bit about what you're working on and the invitations to the world to come and spend time in Ibiza.


Yes. So now I'm very excited. I fall in love of the island which is really not just a party. Island, which was my, also my own stereotype, but it's only 10% of the island. And I really enjoy to live here now because it's really a wonderful island regarding many things than that choose a people who will live seeing healing. And I mean, I think like I told you earlier, I just want my home after all to see us. So yeah, and I really believe in myself and starts to create my own business without anyone but who take a beat, like, who's coming from a beat or what I lived before regarding traveling regarding when I was doing yoga regarding the boats lifestyle and, but sometimes about the connection, which I have always has been important for me to connect with people to share an experience. So I'm organizing five trips here and Ibiza between sea and land. Eight days, four days on the boat four days and the villa and I guide the people in the to Ibiza experience. And it's really really nice because for me it deserve to be experienced from two sides from the two perspective. And so yeah, that's basically the concept and with different Cymatics so like to go on trips a guy since mission trips, a trip for young adults as well. Like, I met her so like were they like mom, who was like, I wish like my kids go to Ibiza, but I need someone safe to take care of them with friends. So it's like yeah, different semantics. Yes, I understand concepts who discovers a tree visa and how fundable time how fun the land.

Nicoa Coach:

I like that concept. I've traveled before where we did Aqua, Terra. We call it Aqua. Terra. Oh, yeah. And land. Exactly. Yeah, you could call it that. Yeah, Tara. sounded cool. And you have access to a boat now or you you have friends who would allow you to


Yeah, have different boats access to Marin sell boats? It depends on the of the of the people choice. I mean, it can be also a group of friends or family. Sure. Well, I mean, who wants to join the trip and who decided maybe another kind of boat. But I have the two options. And like for example, if it was a guy you sensation trips, obviously it would be a soundboard. Yeah. was even more sensation. Yes. Perfect. Yes. But yeah, maybe next year, it will be me who will rise above my dream or get your captain's license? Exactly. My

Nicoa Coach:

goal. Okay. Yeah. Well, and so it is. And so it shall be? Yeah,


yes, maybe next year, two years maximum. Oh, I

Nicoa Coach:

love that. Well, I hope everyone will continue to follow you and see what happens next. And of course, I'll be sending people your way. And I want to introduce you to my friend Donna, who had curated this trip for us. Okay, because she's been doing it for so many years, she might be able to also mentor you, as you design your program and your offerings. Yeah.


Could be nice to me.

Nicoa Coach:

That's right. And Pablo Reyes is the captain of Atlanta. So it could be another boat option.


Yes, right now,

Nicoa Coach:

why not? I always try to connect people. So is there any other pieces of advice you'd like to share with our listeners about creating their own lives by design? I know, you're a young soul. But it sounds like you have a lot of wisdom over the past seven, eight years? And yes, what would you like to share? Well, I


would like to share some things that I just began to understand but who have been directed by I mean, who might actually be directed all the time by sad. It's your intuition, for me is a key of happiness is to follow your intuition. There is no rules now saying no trust your intuition which you really feel inside you. And when you feel that you just set intention. And you manifest says and then your brain will begin to react to what she wants. And this is the first step to believe in you and to to fully adjust

Nicoa Coach:

eautiful how do you continue to foster your intuition? How do you trust when you know like, you know, do you tap into your body? Do you journal Are there any practices that you have?


Well, there's different where everyone has to find what they prefer, it can be one or two where we like to write could only be the only some music like but yeah, I like also to meditate and just close my eyes you know to be somewhere at the beach and just to try to connect with me and to figure it out like what's make me Wally more excited. And sometimes when I don't know I have two choices, I try to do the first step for both to look for and then I see them. But I do the same for both but Dave is one that I like more Yeah, and sometimes I cannot figure it out. They thinking so I'm taking the actions Yeah, and then I'm like I know in the end is not

Nicoa Coach:

to say that I've done that as well but I'll go down a path and then immediately I'm like, stop. Yeah, this isn't fun or isn't fulfilling are a bit when it's fun and you want to wake up early and work on it then I really am like okay, that's that's validation. I get excited. Exactly. Someone said you're always online creating you know, and I said I love it. I love it. I can tell you love it too. Yeah, you put together the reels on chain channeling my Justine when I go and create reels like you do. Thank you. Yes. Well, last question. And I asked this to all my clients before we hang up from our coaching calls. What is the one thing you want to celebrate the most about yourself right now


my intuition

Nicoa Coach:

is not steered you wrong yet. Keep following your intuition.


Keep following if ever never. It's very hard, but everything either they'll have to give up Euro. It's the only way. It's the

Nicoa Coach:

only way. Yeah, well Cheers to our almost empty coffee. Here we go. Thank you. We've traveled far and talked many times to make this happen. Yeah, I'm


very happy to have meeting Oh, I'm so

Nicoa Coach:

grateful. You're so beautiful. Such a beautiful spirit. And I I can't wait. We have no idea if these mics actually worked or not. We've had lots of Cafe sounds, and babies and telephones. But it's


been fun. Yes. It's been really nice. Thank you for organizing that. Of course.

Nicoa Coach:

I'll talk to you later.

Jennifer Gardner:

Thanks for joining us for a caffeinated conversation. Subscribe to Coffee with Nicola for more stories from people living a life by design. You can also find inspiration on Instagram. Just follow Coffee with Nicoa and check out our website Coffee with and that's Nicoa N IC O A. We look forward to talking with you soon. And enjoy your coffee between now and then.

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