Meet another amazing woman who will be speaking at the MANY WOMEN, MANY STORIES Conference! Nicoa holds space for the beautiful soul KRISTA PURDIE who's decade long battle with addiction to over 5 years of inspiring recovery goes from what seems impossible to  truly amazing. She is a solo mom of two (2), a THRIVE  Le-Vel Brand representative and a social media influencer!  She will be sharing her story and inspiring others with her insights from her amazing journey of self-discovery! She truly embodies creating a LIFE BY DESIGN in the face of the most dire circumstances you might imagine and I am confident her story will inspire you!

Learn more about Krista  on Instagram & TikTok!
Learn more about A SAFE PLACE and THE TIDES

At MWMS, the aim is to document and share women's strengths, creativity, perseverance, and vibrant lives in a sacred gathering. The project is multi-cultural and multi-generational, and it helps to highlight the positive qualities and powers of the feminine while encouraging creative action.  JOIN US, WE NEED YOUR PARTICIPATION and FEEDBACK for this inaugural event!

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Our mission is to tell a new story through the MWMS project. This story highlights women's worth, resourcefulness, and desire to make the world better for everyone. By sharing the wisdom and experiences of women who have undergone healing and transformation, we hope to inspire young girls and women to become self-empowered leaders and take positive action.


By participating in the project, viewers and participants can gain new insights and ideas to integrate into their lives. We hope these stories and the accompanying experiential apprenticeship program will challenge and influence the distorted view of women and girls in today's media.

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Nicoa Coach:

Grab your coffee and join me Nicoa For a caffeinated conversation about life. I'll be talking to people who have chosen to walk their own paths and just like me, are creating a life by design. I hope it will give you the inspiration you need to do exactly the same. Hello, everybody, it's Nicoa This is coffee with Nicoa and the many women many stories series, which is a mouthful. I am so excited this morning to be talking with the most worthy and deserving Christa Purdy. Christa Good morning.


Good morning.

Nicoa Coach:

Can you not tell I've been I've been stalking you my beautiful friend. I love this. I was on your Instagram account this morning, Christa underscore 30 pu R di for those who are ready right now to go and start following you. You are a beautiful soul with a beautiful story to tell that is dramatic and hopeful. And I want to just give a quick overview because this is a whole part of the upcoming conference. I always try to remind people in the beginning that's happening in Wrightsville Beach, North Carolina November 17. Weekend, and you are one of our keynote speakers. So let me introduce you to everybody. Krista is transforming from a decade long battle with addiction to over five years of inspiring recovery. She's a solo mom of two on a continuous journey of self discovery. And I saw your beautiful babies your beautiful, why they are phenomenal. As a mom to a mom, I was like, lovely. Her life is a testament to resilience. And she openly shares her experiences of addiction recovery, mental health and single parenting through her social media presence. And she's going to share a little bit about her story. At many women, many stories. She is a force of nature. I love her energy. And she has a vision and a goal to speak life into people. And I totally resonate with that. So I'm gonna pause now and let you do a any additional introduction about who you are and why you're here today.


Well, I'm super excited to be here. I've been thinking about this all week. I'm so excited. And yes, I I talked, it's it's funny that you said, you know, deserving and worthy because, you know, we always can get in inside our heads. So I feel like many women many stories is just such a great opportunity for everyone to be heard for all of us to have a voice. And that that's what drew me into this. So yeah, I have a pretty colorful background. As I like to say. We're we'll go more into that. During that presentation at the conference, I'll do a little bit more of a deeper dive. But yes, it my background, starting from an early age, my innocence was shattered by abuse, addiction traumas. And at the ripe age of 30 years old. April 2018, I saw a ray of hope came in the form of an obstetrician.

Nicoa Coach:

Interesting, interesting, sometimes life throws you a little curveballs that are beautiful gifts that doesn't it? Well, tell us first before we jump into that story, your your life, right. Let's talk a little bit about how you came to know of many women many stories and why it's important to you to be a part of it.


So, which is something super exciting. It happened after I came on board. But with the ticket sales for the conference, $5 of each ticket is going to a safe place, which is near and dear to my heart. I wasn't in the program. But I had the amazing opportunity to share my story with the women that do participate in this program, which is for victims of domestic sex trafficking. And which is a part of my story as well. And so that's it. That's who dropped my name down the pipeline. I believe he's the director of a safe place. And so that's how I was able to talk to Aria and share my story with Aria. And then I got to come in and share my story with committee with many women many stories, and we just it just flowed from there. So it was a really exciting opportunity as soon as ARIA told me that the mission and the vision for many women many stories I was on board immediately.

Nicoa Coach:

Well, it couldn't be a better fit and I mean really, first of all, I'm I find it so generous of the organization to me Make sure that they have some way of giving back to the community. And not only are they already going to be giving back to the women of this, this area, you know, and whoever wants to fly in, I mean, I encourage people to make a weekend trip out of it to the beach, you know, to give back to a safe place. I've been to a fundraising event for them here in Wilmington, North Carolina before, and it is a profound endeavor. And sadly, our state is one of the highest sex trafficking locations in the country. And so the efforts there are definitely worthy of even more than the $5 per ticket that we're going to be giving. But that will be a generous gift. And how wonderful that you've been a part of that. And you found the support you needed. You know, as a podcast host of people who have created lives by design, the kind they don't need a vacation from. I am curious, without over telling, again, we just want to tease but that obstetrician conversation, can you tell us a little bit about that conversion story, just how did you start changing to your life by design now.


So my life and addiction took me down. pads that I never obviously imagined for my life, but addiction has a stronghold on your body and your soul, your mind. So I contracted several diseases in my addiction, one of them being endocarditis, which is a heart infection due to IV drug use. So I was in the hospital quite frequently for long periods of time. The recovery for that is IV antibiotics. So you have to stay in a hospital for a long time. But it was throughout my addiction. And this last time, I got it four times four separate times. In this fourth time. I was in the hospital in April 2000 and Knight 18 2018. And I found out within a 24 hour span that I was pregnant with my daughter, and that I had endocarditis for the fourth time. And so this, this obstetrician walks in and says that he is the founder of a new program, it was in its infancy then and he explained we don't really have anything yet. But you know, we can get you the medications that you need, we can have the support that you need. And you're kind of going to be the pioneer in this program. And it's called the tides, the tides program for pregnant women addicted to opioids, mothers or women who plan to become pregnant. And so he, oh my gosh, he's just such an incredible man because he there's such a stigma around addiction. And he had he that stigma was blocking his vision for a while as he saw mothers coming in that were addicted, having babies. And he had kind of like, he was not happy about it right. And so he did to educate himself on addiction. And through his journey of education. He formed compassion for addicts, and the way that the minds work in the receptors for dopamine and all that kind of stuff. And he he founded that's when he decided to find the found to fall down the tides programs use me. And so it's it's basically to keep the mother baby dyad keep mothers and babies together keep because that's what we want the babies to stay with their mothers, we want the mothers to get help healthy and learn how to live a life outside of addiction. Give them the tools to you know, go out and look for a job while they have help. They have housing now, which was something before my time but they have housing now where the mothers and babies can stay together. They have transportation, it's an incredible budding program that is absolutely huge now that I have the profound opportunity to now sit on the board of directors. Oh,

Nicoa Coach:

wonderful. Well, the tides I'm gonna definitely put links in the in the show notes so that people know where to go for a safe place and for the tides. And how ironic right the tides This is our maiden voyage with many women many stories that the theme around water and the beach and the ocean. It's just my thing too. I just love it. So


line appointment. Alright, is a

Nicoa Coach:

divine appointment. Oh, yes. You know, this is a divine experience. I think that, you know, I come from a very black and white corporate experience growing up and in my early career, and it was only after I quit that corporate world that I began to open myself up to more spiritual practices and, and heart opening experiences. And this this weekend will be exactly that. And your story is profound. Tell me a little bit about, you know, what you hope success will be like for the participants of this event. Those listening to your story. How would you know that your story, you know, spoke some life into those people?


Well, the title of my presentation is will you write your own story or let life write up for you. And so I, I believe that my story is one of resilience and transformation. And so for so long, I let life write my story for me, and I just succumb to the, to the trauma and addiction and just a circumstance until, you know, that Ray of Hope came in and in 2018, and, and I decided to, to hold that pen to take that pen and start writing my own story. So I want to offer to the participants here to the people that are coming to the conference, just showing them ways to embrace vulnerability, because I feel like I've been given a gift to share the hard things, the things that there are a lot of stigmas around things that are are hard to talk about mental health, single parenting, addiction, traumas, childhood, you know, abuse, all these things that are a part of my story. I've been given a gift to be able to share about it transparently. And so I want to give a voice to others, I want to let people know that they are not alone. And that even though their their past may be rocky and bumpy and have a lot of color. Colorful out there that we can embrace vulnerability that we can set healthy boundaries in our life, we can practice self care, and cultivating self belief that was something that was really hard for me, because I didn't believe in myself for a really long time. So I'm going to be giving some actionable steps and some some insight into into how to do that.

Nicoa Coach:

Well, I am, I have to say I'm in awe of you. I mean, when you say that all of this transformed in 2018. To me, that seems like last week. And when I followed you on Instagram, and I'm watching your beautiful smile and energy, you know, you have really taken this life and rewritten it for yourself, and it looks like you are truly thriving. And I'm gonna let you actually put a plug in there for you creating a way of making money. When I think about live lives by design, that's the, you know, the whole Coffee with Nicoa. Point is how did you get traction to transforming into this world? And it looks like you invested in something that's been able to invest back in you.


Right? Right. So I in the beginning of my recovery, I was just me and my daughter, right? I didn't have any support. I mean, the times I had their support, you know, helping me and answering questions as I was trying to figuring figuring out how to be an adult, I had never been an adult addiction had taken most of my life. So I was figuring out everything as as I went. And I harnessed the power of the internet, and social media. So I was able to, to connect with other women and their stories of addiction and recovery and parents of addicts, because my parents are both addicts as well. And I will share more about that and my presentation. And so I know both ends of the spectrum. So I was able to open a door for a lot of people to feel comfortable to talk about their things and so that I was able to grow on social media that way. And I was introduced into the world of direct selling. And I found something that it's kind of it's kind of, like a conundrum to me that, you know, I lived my life for so long, not taking care of my body. And now I work in health and wellness. And so vitamin supplementation, and it is called Thrive.

Nicoa Coach:

And you're thriving. I mean, you you moved away from striving, just trying to survive all those years and being addicted. And now you are intentionally creating a life you love, and you are literally thriving, and thrive has been a foundational investment. That is, you know, I highly recommend people check it out. I haven't tried the products myself, but I always want people to be able to share what they're working on. And if you believe in it, then there's people out there that need that partnership with you. So definitely, you know, you're amazing. You are amazing. Is there any other teaser or piece of advice or encouragement you'd like to share before we wrap up?


I want to one thing that I want your listeners to know that because we all have a past right? Whether we share that or not. And that's something that I've learned a lot about as I've been sharing my story, pretty transparently is I'll have people reach out to me that, you know, are, are ready and that's fine if you're if you're never ready to share it out loud, but if you have a safe place, I've feel like I've become like a safe place for because I've put it all out there that people are able to come to me and share this with me like I can relate to you like you're, you know, that's such an answer I, I want to be of service to others, I want to add value that that's how I live my life by design is adding adding value to other people's lives in any way that I can. But something that, that I hear so often is that people let their past define who they are. And that's something that I did for so long. And I wasn't able to open up to my higher self fully, until I let my past fall off now and it is it is a part of me and it is a part of who I have become. But it does not define my success today. It does not define my happiness today, it does not define anything that I can do. Like at any point in time, you can pick up that pen and rewrite your story. And if I'm not a true testament to that, I spent a decade and in long term addiction, I have a criminal history I was in and out of prison and and I came out and created a life by design, I'd stick it in my head now. A life by design in its in five years. I mean, imagine yours. Imagine what you can do if you take that pin and begin to write your own story and not let live right for you and not be defined, defined by your past. So I'm super excited about my presentation and what I have to offer. The guests that are that are coming to many moments, many stories conference. So I'm very excited.

Nicoa Coach:

Well, I'm very excited to and I'm honored that I could create a platform to tease the world so that they too can come and join you and listen and support you on social media. And, you know, my six word story is life by design. I love mine. And I encourage everyone to know that they too can create I changed my life in the last five years remarried you know whole new life. So a lot can happen in five years. And you are a testament to that and just a beautiful soul and I cannot wait to meet you in person.


Same. I'm so excited. Thank you for having me on. It's been it's been an honor.

Jennifer Gardner:

Thanks for joining us for a caffeinated conversation. Subscribe to Coffee with Nicola for more stories from people living a life by design. You can also find inspiration on Instagram. Just follow Coffee with Nicoa and check out our website Coffee with and that's Nicoa N IC O A. We look forward to talking with you soon. And enjoy your coffee between now and then.

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