October 23, 2023 NICOA DUNNE CORNELIUS Season 1 Episode 35

What is RTT?   Rapid Transformational Therapy!  Join Nicoa as she shares a detailed overview of the profound power and science of RTT.  RTT is a pioneering therapy based on neuroscience that has the potential to offer fast, effective results by combining the most beneficial principles of Hypnotherapy, Psychotherapy, NLP, and CBT. Nicoa applies the process as a therapeutic coaching method that gets to the root cause of why you may feel stuck, may be suffering, may feel discontent, may feel insecure, may feel lacking, etc. ... She not only defines this amazing tool in this espresso shot, but also includes  ACTUAL CLIENT TESTIMONIALS (Insomnia, Confidence, I Am Enough, I Am Deserving) who had profound experiences, have felt profound shifts in their lives and are big proponents of the tool and their experience with Nicoa.

WANT TO LEARN MORE? Schedule an RTT inquiry session with Nicoa here.


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Nicoa Coach:

sometimes don't you just need a quick moment of inspiration. Or maybe you just need a moment of caffeinated contemplation to reflect on life. That's the idea behind my weekly coffee with Nicola espresso shots, I'll be sharing short jolts of inspiration in each clip. In addition to my longer Coffee with Nicoa interview episodes, make sure to subscribe so you never miss an espresso shot, or a full length Coffee with Nicoa interview created just for you. Hey, guys, this is your weekly espresso shot, we're going to talk about a really cool topic, a really important topic in my world of coaching, something that I only added a few years back, because I began to run into continuous blocks that honestly, I didn't know how to help my clients overcome. And what I've come to understand and the research that I've done around neuroscience, how the brain works, and how stress and trauma works in our, in our bodies and in our emotional ways of being. I figured there was something missing, I had to do something to add to my toolkit to really do a holistic approach to helping my clients now, my background is in Ontological Coaching through the Newfield network. I've actually been certified as an energy leadership Master Practitioner through the Institute for professional excellence and coaching, also called Ipek. Based out of the Northeast, I have been trained in positive psychology, I am a happiness trainer. Yeah, no surprise, right. And all of those tools worked really well. And then I would have clients that would come back, and they would still be struggling with one particular challenge. Sometimes that would be feelings of being enough. That would be a sense of belonging, that would be an insecurity that was preventing them from getting promoted, or sustaining jobs for very long periods of time. And although they were more effective, and they were able to actually impact their employees, their work their career, positively, they weren't making it to the level or stage of contentment and satisfaction that they craved. And I came across a tool actually, right after I got divorced. I remember buying into some ad about some hypnotherapy work with a woman named Marissa Pierre. And I bought some course that helped rewire my brain to help me remember that I was capable, lovable, competent, and worthy of stepping into this next phase of my life, outside of my previous marriage, and that I could make this happen. And I needed that cheerleader. And that hypnosis work was based on recordings, I paid for some sort, of course, or, or set and I listened to every single one of them. And you would listen to these recordings at night when you went to sleep. And it was literally rewiring my brain and reminding me that I was capable. So the tool that I'm referring to it came up again later, like literally two and a half, three years ago. And I saw an advertisement for the same woman, Marissa Pierre and I thought, Oh, she seems familiar. So I clicked on the ad. I'm such a sucker for a good Instagram ad or Facebook ad or wherever it was. And I recognized her. And I began to read, and she was offering training for individuals to do the same work she'd been doing all these years as a professional Hypnotherapist. Now she has been able to, to capture the essence of hypnotherapy to the point where we can actually re retell the story, rewire the brain, remove that block from your past. And what we mean by past is a subconscious block related to some sort of trauma in your past, big T, little T whatever, it's all trauma, it's all equally impactful to what's causing you to be stuck. And this is your subconscious. So this is why you have stress reactions that you can't explain, you know, not hungry, tired, lonely, or, you know, angry, or I understand my tendency to get triggered in this particular area. But when x happens, I have a visceral reaction and that is your autonomic nervous system, causing you to hold back, protect and cope. The tool we're referencing is something I now apply to as many of my clients that are interested and it's called Rapid transformational therapy or RTT. Now Rapid Transit transformation No therapy is a really unique approach to digging deep in a short period of time, back to your past. And it's a coaching tool that's powerful. It's a hybrid therapeutic coaching method, I like to say, and it gets to the root cause of why you may feel stuck. It also can get by the way, side note, big side note, because I do a lot of one on one work with individuals. It can also help you get over illness, it can help you recover from historic migraines. I actually recently did a session with someone who had chronic insomnia, she sleeping like a baby. And we did it in one session after years, she was having to take medication and having to do things to help her fall asleep. But we were able to get to that root cause. And we were able to rewire her brain and remove that blockage and remind her adult version of herself that she was safe to sleep through the night. It's this method that combines the most effective techniques from Neuro Linguistic Programming, cognitive behavioral therapy, hypnotherapy and psychotherapy, providing the ability to actually transform your life so powerfully and permanently. I mean, the changes can be subtle at first, but then all of a sudden, you wake up and you realize, oh, I actually am getting promoted, or I actually am content and satisfied and feel safe. I actually don't have migraines as often as I used to or at all. My very first client had migraines, from the time she was 17. And now she's my age, and she no longer has them. And even if she does feel a slight headache coming on, you know what she told me, she said, I go back and listen to the recording that you made for me. And what she's referring to is this bespoke recording that we create in at the end of the session, after you've gone through the work of going back and thinking back on scenes in your life, that could be and are the root cause of what's causing you to be stuck in your adulthood. And then we create the positive version, the new version of you in a recording that is reiterating that new way of being? Why does that work? How does that work? Well, there's a lot of things to keep in mind about the mind. The rules of the mind, include that your mind does exactly what it thinks you want it to do. And where does that begin with your first thought. So the thoughts that you have day in and day out, are creating a message to your mind, to create that experience. Whatever meaning you give that thought, your mind is triggered to listen to it and try to create that reality for you. Be it good, bad or indifferent. Second rule of the mind, your mind only responds to two things, the pictures you make in your head and the words you say to yourself, as I just said, but it really starts with that thought, because that thought is going to create that experience in your mind's eye. The third rule of the mind, your mind loves what is familiar, and hates what is unfamiliar. Think about that for a minute. Some people actually learn how to live their new life by design and their new way of being. And they recognize that they're still anxious or they're, they're still habitually late something or they still seem to be unable to sleep after 3am. Well, it's a habit. It's a habit. So sometimes your truth, and the reality around you no longer aligns with your physical habits. And the mind likes that it wants to stick to what's familiar. So in the process of a rapid transformational therapy session, we're able to go in and tell your mind, it's okay to do something new. And that's where that bespoke recording comes in. Typically, and this is the last rule of the mind, we tend to fall into a belief a rooted foundational belief about life or about ourselves. That is the root cause. Right? So part of what we're doing here with rapid transformational therapy, hypnotherapy sessions, is we're going back to that time in your life that created a coping mechanism to keep you safe. And the root fear there is that ultimately, it's not available to me is the thought. That's just something that's not available to me, or another route, fear or belief could be, you know what, I'm not enough. There's nothing I could do that would make me enough and I have to keep striving. I am not enough. Or a third belief might be a foundational belief could be, you know what? I'm just different than everybody else. I'm different that I'm weird. I'm not like everybody else. When we sit in these beliefs, one of these three beliefs, and there are many, many others that could be out there related to you and your experience. But one of these three beliefs, they're the most common. And when we can go back in time, and recognize when you got triggered as a child, or a young adult, triggered to believe that that wasn't available to you, or you're not enough, or you're different. Well, my friend, once we get to that route, we can remove it. And we can remind your body remind your soul, remind your brain, your mind, that you are enough, that anything you want is available to you, and that you are not different, you are just like everybody else, and then get you to a space where you can overcome whatever has been keeping you stuck. It's kind of interesting also to see the tendencies of individuals in their history in their lives. And what comes up when we do these sessions, I have uncovered so many things from childhood abuse, that can be very traumatic to simply being left out on the playground, from a group of friends. These can be small or big traumas. And it's it's also profound to me to see what the person's role was as a child in their family dynamic, we will have these conversations in advance of your session. If this is ever something that you're interested in, to really get to know you. And what may have been triggered by your past your relationship with your parents the role you played in your family. Are you the overachiever? Are you the one who kept trying to prove yourself? Are you the caregiver? Did you have to keep the peace in your life, sometimes the middle child if there's more than one sibling, sometimes that middle child is always trying to keep the peace, or were you the rebel, you were the one who was always getting in trouble and running away or trying to try something that you weren't supposed to? Or were you the sick one, the one who used getting sick or hurt to get the attention that you needed. We all are having very, very similar human experiences. And I want you to understand that this is an available to tool to you. If you're finding yourself stuck. A lot of people asked me about it. I thought it would be worthy of sharing what it is in this espresso shot this week. And if you have any questions or want to learn more, you can always go to my website, Nicoa dot coach, or check me out on coffee with And feel free to DM me on Instagram or any other social media channel. Thanks for listening. Hey, guys, are you intrigued? Did you learn something about rapid transformational therapy there? I hope so. And I want you to stay tuned because I've tacked on a few testimonials from actual participants that I had the honor of facilitating an RTT session for listen up and see what they felt during their experience and the outcomes that they began to see after their experience. And if you have any interest at all, please go to my link tree in my bio. And you can actually schedule an inquiry call with me. So we can talk about whether rapid transformational therapy could benefit you. Charity, what was that like for you?

Jodi Vilcans:

It was amazing to go in and feel these feelings that we were talking about. And as you know, you asked me about those scenes and I thought about them. I went right back to him and I had those feelings but as you talked about it, like the feelings left and I felt lighter. I felt optimistic. I felt, you know, words that I can't describe. It's like my limbic brain just felt it clicked it worked.

Nicoa Coach:

And how do you feel right now? I feel

Jodi Vilcans:

I feel that sounds kind of crazy, but I feel nothing. I feel like okay, next. There's nothing holding me back. There's nothing pulling at me. I just feel like, okay, next. What do I do now?

Nicoa Coach:

Well, when we go in and we release those historic beliefs from the subconscious, and it's easy for you to move forward, we're literally removing it, healing it, setting it aside letting it go. And in your case, we've removed that habit, that history of procrastinating which was the primary that we focused on. And I just think now you'll be able to let me know how it goes. Just give me examples. And I'll be touching in with you over the next 21 days. So keep listening to it. What are you most hopeful for going forward now that we've done this exercise?

Jodi Vilcans:

I think it's not hope I think it's just competent. You know, I'm confident in the things that I want to do. I don't have to think twice about it, I don't have to build this cocoon around, you know, getting ready to do it. I just go and do it. And it feels great.

Nicoa Coach:

You know, what I think is cool is that even if you're not the only one, every single person that I ever do a rapid transformational therapy session with, can't even relate to the previous story. So even in your description of it, it's a lot lighter than it would have been before we did the session. Yeah. And it made me realize, Oh, it's a burden and avoidance, and I would do, and now you're just like, I don't know, this cocoon. I don't know, like this thing I write, I mean, it's so much lighter, your energy is lighter. It is

Jodi Vilcans:

something that you said that I didn't even think about, but it it did have meaning to me was that college student, like she is fusing with me. And that feels optimistic and exciting. And it's not like, you know, I messed up, then and I never have another chance. No, I do have another chance and the chances today and to do it. And if I don't do it today, the chances tomorrow when I'll do it, then and then keep going,

Nicoa Coach:

right because we carry those younger versions of ourselves inside of us so much so that we are still literally experiencing their younger experience every day. And if we don't heal them, or bring them forward and say, hey, hey, we're growing up. Now. We, we are aware of what's happening in life. We have resources, we have money, we have you know, people, we have people, we are not alone. And we have to let that younger version of ourselves know that they are okay now and they can come forward with us that we don't have to stay stuck in the past. And you You clearly have done that in this session. I'm going to turn the recording off. Now I don't want it in in, you know, imposed on your session any further. So we'll finish our dialogue. But thank you for letting me record your initial reactions, Jodi.

Jodi Vilcans:


Nicoa Coach:

Hey, Mindy, you and I just sat down. I'm so excited to reconnect. It's been two weeks since your rapid transformational therapy session. Would you mind continuing to share what you were just telling me? How's it been?

Mindy Bogart:

You know, it's been great. I felt a shift as soon as I completed the session with you. And then I was excited to see what would come in? And what would fall away. Right. And what I've really noticed is more things falling away. Yeah. You know, like, the hesitation, you know, on communication, and even decision making, you know,

Nicoa Coach:

we were really digging deep on confidence and presence and being able to feel like nothing would hold you back. Exactly. Is there anything you could share about the before feeling? And the after feeling? How would you describe that?

Mindy Bogart:

Yeah, I would say that before feeling, you know, when I would come up to something that was going to previously historically, kind of slow me down, and maybe even stop me from moving forward. The difference between that feeling, and now is that sometimes I'm on the other side of the decision and go, Wait a minute. This is something that, you know, that seemed really quick, in terms of how quickly I made the decision, or Gosh, I don't, I didn't feel that trepidation or you know, that weird feeling or just wasn't there? And so I would often realize later, it's like, wait a minute, I just jumped over that. Yeah. Before I was, you know, thinking a lot about it.

Nicoa Coach:

But that's the Now what's a real life example, you could share with people who are not quite sure what we're talking about here. So what literally would happen before? And then now, so talking to a potential client or example like that?

Mindy Bogart:

You mean, like a specific real world?

Nicoa Coach:

Yeah, that you, you know, would is different now. Or Okay, well,

Mindy Bogart:

even just like in a social situation where meeting other people, you know, you're in a situation where you're, you're working the room, so to speak. What that means to me is that there's a lot of new people that may know a little bit about you just because you're at the gathering, but that's it. Yeah. So what may used to what used to happen before is that I would not be real sure about what to talk about, or who to engage with, or how long and you know, it's a work in progress. But I do notice a difference and improvement, you know, see the opportunity to move in, talk with people see the opportunity to move out. So it's just an easier experience.

Nicoa Coach:

And we went and look back at some past life experiences. We won't share the details. But when you did that, in that hypnotic meditative Deep State, were you surprised about those scenes that popped up from your past that you think could have been the root cause of your own insecurities and lack of confidence?

Mindy Bogart:

No, not really. Like not Not, not at all. In fact, one thing I remember from the time was, am I choosing the right thing you know, is right, moving back in? You know, I don't think there can be a mistake here, just choose the thing that pops up.

Nicoa Coach:

Exactly whatever comes into your mind is the scene is the historic experience that got embedded into yourself. So you now know that you're enough and that you are a confident, grown woman who's moving forward in her career and is super successful. And this session, I kind of like to talk about it like a leap frog. Is there anything else you'd like to share about how you feel? Or since you've been listening to the recording over the past two weeks?

Mindy Bogart:

Yeah, you know, I would, I would encourage people to do it. Because you know, you like with school or any other endeavor, you get out what you put in. I didn't really know what was going to come out. But I just follow your advice about here's what you do. And so I haven't missed a day. And I'm, I'm grateful for that. I'm feeling a shift.

Nicoa Coach:

Well, I'm grateful for you. Thanks for sharing with everybody. Hey, my friend, thank you for joining me. How are you doing?

Tracy Boyer Mathews:

Hello? Absolutely. I'm doing really well.

Nicoa Coach:

Well, you and I have not touched base in a couple months. I think I really appreciate you doing this. I've been trying to get as many of my RTT clients my rapid transformational therapy clients to talk with me and tell me what their experience has been like. And yours, my friend is just phenomenal and awesome. It was what was it into February that we talked?

Tracy Boyer Mathews:

February 17, something like that. And today's December the 27th 27th 28th. Right? That's right.

Nicoa Coach:

So yeah, so it's now for those listening. It is July 17. And you've had a life changing experience from this. And let's just start from the beginning, though, how did you even learn about RTT? And me? And why don't you just share with everybody.

Tracy Boyer Mathews:

So I'm a licensed professional mental health counselor. And I've had I had a client who mentioned you that she had done the executive coaching as well as RTT. And I really trusted her. So that prompted me to investigate a little bit. And then before I even got a chance to reach out to you, I mentioned it to another client who promptly got a hold of you and started doing a whole bunch of work in the two weeks before she was back in my office. So by the time I called you already had two clients who had had lots of good stuff to say. And I was, yeah, and I was interested in the RTT. Because I have had sleep issues for a really long time and had had gotten to the point where I was just ready to do something different. And the brief and intense work, it sounded a lot like EMDR, which I'm a big fan of. And so that's what prompted me to give you a call. Yeah, I

Nicoa Coach:

remember that that multitude of connections and how lovely that was, you didn't even know you were sending clients my way. Before you even used me. Well, why don't you describe a little bit about the challenge. So you you said it was asleep challenge, get paint a picture for everybody about what was going on and how long that had been going on?

Tracy Boyer Mathews:

Well, it had been going on as long as I could remember. And on our first coffee, you reminded me that as I say to my clients, it hasn't always been like that. You didn't come down the pipe like that. And so that was my own words getting mirrored back to me. So I just think it was a really bad habit. And as my life got more complicated just by positive things, children and responsibilities. It just did. It just incrementally got worse. And I feel like I've tried a lot of different things. Transcendental Meditation, regular meditation MBSR. And I just was looking for something sustainable.

Nicoa Coach:

Yeah, so you weren't able to get to sleep, you weren't able to stay asleep. One of the things you talked about was not being able to sleep in other locations like if you traveled, describe the cost of all of that to you what was really like What was a typical night? And what was the impact of all of that on your lifestyle?

Tracy Boyer Mathews:

It was just really depressing and really just frustrating to the point of infuriating because I couldn't exercise myself to sleep. It wasn't a matter of sugar, no sugar, alcohol. No alcohol, exercise, no out exercise, there just wasn't a recipe that I could come up with. And I had tried hundreds probably by that time,

Nicoa Coach:

what were some of the things that you tried? Other than? Well, you mentioned some of the treatments. You were, you know, you're like, I stopped having caffeine and like, what were some of those rituals that you were trying to put in place to get the sleep back?

Tracy Boyer Mathews:

I mean, every thing that you could ever possibly, you know, read or have a professional, you know, suggest that melatonin, reading, exercising, experimenting with just all those interventions, and I'm sure I would get exhausted, I just couldn't get to sleep. I could get sleepy, I could get exhausted. But I could not get all the way into some serious RAM much needed sleep.

Nicoa Coach:

Yeah, you said you could go to three days and not have had any sleep, like just literally zombied out. Pretty much pretty intense? Well, I think you tapped into something critical to that. Sometimes we think we have an issue. Or we may even think we have an addiction to something or we think that this is something that is just who we are. And yet, like you said, we didn't we weren't born that way. So habitual observation of habitual practices can help us uncover what's really going on here. And that's what RTT is our ability to go back into your past and say, When did this start? What is the trigger? And we do that in a hypnotic state, as you'll recall, can you share with me, you know, when we did the session itself? What was that like for you?

Tracy Boyer Mathews:

Well, I feel like I was trying to get to one particular scene, and that didn't wasn't readily available. So I I think, do you help me come up with sort of a couple of pictures in succession, that helped kind of get to probably a pretty primary theme and decision, as we call them, you know, early decision that just got kind of locked in my subconscious about not being able to relax or let go or, or just, yeah, relaxed enough to get to sleep.

Nicoa Coach:

And it became a coping mechanism based on some of those early triggers. And as a result, here was your new habit. And it became part of your story. I remember you saying, you know, somebody asked you, How'd you sleep last night? What were some of the typical things you would say?

Tracy Boyer Mathews:

Well, I also, you know, it's so normal to, you know, complain about that, particularly for women. And if, if you say, when a group of people are particularly women, oh my gosh, I have no problem sleeping and sleeping is just so great. Like, they like snicker, or, you know, it's it's not something that you have a whole group of people or women and everyone's like, Oh, yeah, me too. Alright. So I would, I would say, you know, okay, too bad. Right? Probably be it.

Nicoa Coach:

Yeah, we're joking. Well, I took a bunch of melatonin. So that helped me get to sleep or whatever. Yeah. Well, I think that, you know, your example is not uncommon. I have worked with other people who've had sleep issues as well. And we do often just as an education to those listening, we do often recommend some of the basic sample, you know, tips, like no caffeine in the afternoon, and you know, try to set your body up for success. But ultimately, if you're still not getting the results you need, it's probably something that is a subconscious belief. That's turned into a habit. And so that's where the hypnotherapy can help. So, were you surprised with the scenes that we came up with? Were you surprised about the impact of that experience at all? Or were you ready for it? And, you know, we're all suggestible. So

Tracy Boyer Mathews:

I think I was ready for some something significant and the thing that I think was the most powerful wasn't a new scene, but I guess I was able to look at it in a different way. So you know, afterwards and I was pretty exhausted when I left your

Nicoa Coach:

office is pretty draining. Yeah, yeah.

Tracy Boyer Mathews:

And I I went right back into my life had to pick up kids from school and go to dinner, soccer all the things that night.

Jodi Vilcans:

I slept

Nicoa Coach:

and did you listen to the recording that night? So there is a spoke recording we create in session and we give that to the participant. So I sent you off with that you'd heard it once. Yeah, on the day. Did you listen to it again? Or did you wait till the next day?

Tracy Boyer Mathews:

I don't think I did, actually, because I was in your office from like one to three. So it was getting towards the end of the day, and it was February. So, but I listened to it for 41 days.

Nicoa Coach:

That's right.

Tracy Boyer Mathews:

And we say every single

Nicoa Coach:

a minimum of 21, I recommend 30. And you kept listening. And a lot of my clients will go back and listen, just if they ever want to just out of a need for fulfillment of that that goal again.

Tracy Boyer Mathews:

Yeah, well, I was determined to go away path 21, I totally believe in the law of 2121 days to change your change your habit, so every single day for 41 days, and then kind of intermittently for a few weeks after that meaning two to three times a week. So

Jodi Vilcans:


Tracy Boyer Mathews:

just think that that's what I needed. And the other unintended consequence that I wasn't even thinking about is, I have had some plain fear for a long time, and done some EMDR, which made it better, it went from a 10 to a five, but it still wasn't a comfortable experience. And just took a international flight in June, and had no anticipatory anxiety, had no anxiety on the plane, sometimes I'll look up where it's, you know, you can see where it is. And I'm like, Yeah, we're over the ocean, am I gonna panic, and I felt no panic. I even slept a little bit. And so afterwards, I said, I think that our team might have shook something loose in that plane brain to

Nicoa Coach:

I am confident that it did I mean, a lot of what we subconsciously believe, sometimes comes down to some root things around either not being safe, or not feeling like you're enough, or you're not able to be similar to other people. And so it affects multitudes of layers of your well being. So you would you say that you started sleeping through the night, every night? Or was it up and down in those 41 days? And, and how would you say you're sleeping now?

Tracy Boyer Mathews:

I've slept through the night. For probably all of probably all those 41 days. Wow. And I didn't have any super externals meaning nothing else really was happening. But since February 27, I mean, I've probably had two or three, not great nights asleep. But those are one offs for things that are very obvious, but but able to go right back into my new habit of sleeping the next day. So to have what's that March, April, May, June and to five months and only have three or four nights of not good sleep. I mean, that's, that's good for anybody.

Nicoa Coach:

Nominal, oh, my God. And you know, I've only been doing this applying this tool for a couple of years now. And I never know. And, you know, I would say that 95% of the clients I've worked with have gotten immediate results. Some people don't because of their readiness. I think that's kind of my own little assessment of what's going on with these individuals that it didn't work right away. And I think it's willingness. And it's also commitment to listening to the recording, because you're literally rewiring the brain. And yeah, you were so ready. I mean, after all those years of not sleeping, you know, what are some of the best benefits that you see now in your life? I mean, you look great, you look healthy and happy. Tell me a little bit about what benefits you're seeing every day after you get a good night's sleep.

Tracy Boyer Mathews:

Well, as you put into the recording, because we talked about just the bone exhaustion of not sleeping, it's just this gritty, full body in my bones. And the only time I've had that is the few times that I didn't sleep well. I'm sure it has 1,000% to do with my patients with my family. And just my overall mood. But you know, when you when when you're up at night, and everybody else is asleep, it's very lonely, you know, it's kind of it's lonely, and it's also irritating, like, why is everybody else get to do this thing and I don't get to do that. So just a wake up and I used to wake up and immediately do the math of how bad did I sleep? How bad am I going to feel? You know how exhausted am I going to be and now I just like wake up, and then I'll do all that math. So I mean, it's it's pretty important. It's pretty, you know, significant

Nicoa Coach:

for sure for sure. And how does it feel when you wake up in the morning now? Do you feel ready to go? Do you feel rejuvenated?

Tracy Boyer Mathews:

Well, right now it's summer and nobody has to be anywhere ungodly hours, I just wake up and like, wow, it's, it's not 6am. And I'm not out of bed. So it's, you know, when you deal with any kind of anxiety, sometimes it's you have to measure the lack of it. So it's the lack of worrying about and it's the lack of doing the math and the lack of, you know, anticipatory anxiety. That's hard to measure. But it's, it's a lot. It's significant.

Nicoa Coach:

It's significant. For sure. It's a whole new way of being mean, the other way of being was focused on that lack, right, and oh, my God, I'm not getting this. Oh, my God. And when I woke up again, damn, you know? And now you're like, huh, sometimes it can be very subtle to, even though it's a tremendous shift. You then all of a sudden have all this extra space in your life to say, Huh, wow, I actually, I'm feeling okay.

Tracy Boyer Mathews:


Nicoa Coach:

I feel like I slipped. Wow. No, I think it's beautiful. You know, do people notice? Have you gotten any feedback from anybody, like your family? Have they noticed anything or any, any stories you'd want to share? Since we've been doing this work?

Tracy Boyer Mathews:

You know, probably the person who had to hear about it the most would be my husband, because he gets to sleep beside me. And, you know, it was experience me, you know, rolling around, trying to get comfortable and all of that, and then, you know, whining about it the next morning, but and he's if I go on long plane rides, he's usually with me. So, I certainly was, you know, checking in with him. You know, did you notice I wasn't sweating when we took off on the plane? Or did you notice that I went to sleep and stay asleep? And and certainly he has. So, yeah, he's he's probably benefited almost as much.

Nicoa Coach:

I think that's awesome. And where do you guys take this big trip to? Iceland? Oh, my gosh, that was awesome. Tell me about Iceland.

Tracy Boyer Mathews:

I mean, it looks just like the pictures. It really does. And it's a six hour plane ride. I hadn't taken a six hour plane ride in quite a while. And I actually went to sleep on the plane, which cannot remember the last time that happened. Not very long. But I still got there. And I didn't have that bone. Tired. Yeah, that I was expecting to. And yeah, even though it doesn't get dark there. Day. Sun set was 1253. And Sunrise was 135. Oh, gosh. So it wasn't even. And it wasn't even dark, dark. But that I didn't have any. I mean, I just put a pillow over my head. So that didn't affect my sleep, either.

Nicoa Coach:

Oh, my gosh. This is like the best testimony ever. I love this so much. Not only are we talking about sleep, we're talking about fear of planes.

Tracy Boyer Mathews:

They didn't even occur to me. Yeah, it didn't even occur to me. But it is, like you said pretty similar not being able to let go and not be able to relax. Not and I even had the same thoughts I've had when I fly, you know, oh my gosh, you know, it like the doors closed. It's all over. Now. I don't have any control and even the turbulence, it just, it just was what it was. It just didn't I kept waiting for it to ignite in that, you know, panic, that would then just rise. And that that just didn't happen. They were pretty good flights too. So that didn't hurt but

Nicoa Coach:

oh, yeah, yeah, that's what you're talking about is that that autonomic nervous system reaction that was coming up based on the cellular memory of your past that caused you to have that coping mechanism. And now even though you were accustomed to it happening, it just didn't. So this is the difference between just walking around saying mantras, right? I'm safe, I'm fine. I can fly anywhere. I can sleep anywhere. We're not just talking about changing your story, which is a critical part of shifting. We're talking about going into that subconscious and rewiring that story from your past and changing it and making it what it was what Oh right. I'm an adult now I don't I don't need to be afraid and those my I don't need to feel insecure here. I don't. I am safe now and shifting into what is your this room realities truth. And you did that beautifully in the session, the session only lasts about an hour and a half, two hours. And we were able to go back to some pretty profound scenes. And and there you are sleeping that first night. So gosh, yeah, it's big.

Tracy Boyer Mathews:

I think part of what why I was ready is you and I had talked. And I said, she is a, she's a good coach, I can see her being a good coach, either, if she's coaching a gymnastics team, or, you know, coaching, you know, her kids to get through algebra, like I think your energy and just like it's already happened, it's already, you know, sometimes I see clients, and they're struggling and couples, and I talk about what we're going to do and how we're going to start having a conversation a different way. And they kind of have that look on their face, like really, and I say it's gonna be great, and they kind of laugh. But I think it's that same thing, it's like it, this isn't only possible, it's possible for you. And this is just what's going to happen, we're just going to change that. And that's going to be changed. Certainly listening to that, in the, in the recording, that that energy of I guess positivity, but just so almost like an absolute was real helpful. For me,

Nicoa Coach:

well, the brain listens to the words we tell it, and the pictures that we create. And so that recording, is just re emphasizing that I mean, this is why professional athletes visualize and do that work over and over again, of believing and seeing themselves in a new reality that gives them that record, jump or that record race. And so we are human athletes in our own right, and we have the ability to make those set those goals and change our ways of behaving just like anybody else. No matter what your past, you are not a victim to your history, you are actually empowered with this type of work, to liberate yourself from those historic, confused moments as a child that any child would have had new beliefs as a result of those experiences. And these don't have to be giant experiences, guys, this could be anything you know, you're I have a feeling my kids will have the the trauma of their mom ignoring them by being on her phone too much. And that'll be some sort of RTT session. Well, nobody pays attention to me. And it could have been just a few moments. So everybody's going to have experiences that cause them to create habits. And use you said, Well, when we give ourselves permission to believe in ourselves, and believe in a new possible way of being, then it's ours for the taking. It's as quick as we allow it.

Tracy Boyer Mathews:

Right? Yeah. So I appreciate it. I thank you very much.

Nicoa Coach:

I thank you very much. And I appreciate you sharing your story and, and we'll share this through Coffee with Nicoa. Our podcast, we're gonna give a little overview of what RTT is. And then I'll share yours and a couple other testimonials and again, keep sleeping my friend and keep taking big trips. I can't wait to see what the next trip is. Do you have you have one planned yet?

Tracy Boyer Mathews:

No, Iceland is expensive. Feeding two teenagers and a husband. We'll be we'll be we'll be looking at pictures of this and paying it off for a little while. Probably probably definitely another long plane ride back. Yeah.

Nicoa Coach:

Well, I'm excited for you. And I'm really glad that you had that big trip and everything's working out so beautifully for you. And thanks for all of the support and validation and keep sending people my way. Make sure to subscribe so you never miss an espresso shot or a full length Coffee with Nicoa interview created just for you.


firecracker burning is a scuffle. Hands on

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