Espresso Shot 10: Don't Half Ass It!


Either you're in or you're out in this thing we call LIFE! Down this shot of Espresso thoughtfully as Nicoa describes the process she has learned that always keeps her on track and moving toward what she wants in her LIFE BY DESIGN. Apply this thought process to figure out where in your own life you need to decide if you're choosing Door #1, Door #2 or Door #3. You'd be surprised how empowering and liberating it can be when you stop "Half-Assing It" and make a CHOICE


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Nicoa Coach:

sometimes don't you just need a quick moment of inspiration? Or maybe you just need a moment of caffeinated contemplation to reflect on life. That's the idea behind my weekly coffee with Nicola espresso shots. I'll be sharing short jolts of inspiration in each clip. In addition to my longer Coffee with Nicoa interview episodes, make sure to subscribe so you never miss an espresso shot. Or a full length Coffee with Nicoa interview created just for you. Hey, guys, it's Nicoa it's your Monday morning espresso shot coming to you live from the banks of Whiskey Creek, okay, it's not live, it's recorded by the time you get it. Today, we're gonna talk about not half assing it? Do you have acid don't have acid. I like that phrase. And as somebody saw Tiktok, somebody said that never gets old. That phrase never gets old, don't have acid. And what am I talking about? This is about a relationship that you have with something you want. You say you want it, you say you want to do something about it. And then you don't really do it or you only half acid. It's doing what you say you will do? Do the weird, right? Do busy with anybody heard of that? Do what you say you will do? Well, you have to you have to really hold yourself accountable to your own interest, your own choices, your own commitments. So how do you do that? Well, this week, I want you to really think about the things that you want the things that you want, it could be in any part of your life, it could be related to work, it could be related to exercise your relationship, it could be related to your relationship with yourself. At the end of the day, I want you to pick the category and find your reason why. Figure out what matters most to you about that thing that you want to do, or that you want to work on. Right? Ask yourself, why you want to do it, and really sit for a while in the benefit of doing it. What's the benefit of this to me, to my life, to my relationships to my career? What is the benefit? If I do this thing? And then don't forget to really spend just as much time analyzing the cost? What is the cost of not doing this? How is this currently impacting my feelings of satisfaction and fulfillment? What is the cost to me? And am I where am I judging myself for not doing the sit with it, as long as you've sat with the benefit? Once you've worked through that, and oh, by the way, avoiding it, it doesn't make it go away, whatever it is, that's just setting you up for mediocrity. So you got to keep going back to the beginning. If you're not doing what you say you want to do, or you're not finishing and committing, you're just half assing it. And you got to go back to the beginning again, wait a minute, why am I wanting to do this? What is it that this will benefit me with if I get this done, if I make this new change in my lifestyle, if I actually do the work and my relationship or with my my career and get the skills I need to actually move forward in my job. Here's what it comes down to, you got to choose one of three doors. And I may, I may have told this story before, but I will tell it again, you got to choose the door number one, door number two, or door number three, when it comes to what it is that you want, because either you are in, or you are out and you cannot be at door number two, which has got one foot in and one foot out. So door number one says I'm actually out. Forget it. I don't want to actually do this thing. I don't want to exercise. So I'm gonna stop talking about exercising and judging myself about exercising, or I don't want to be in this relationship. If I'm not willing to do it door number three. If I'm not willing to do it, then I need to get out. Door number two says oh, I keep telling the person or the company or myself. Yeah, I want to do it. But I'm not really doing it. I'm trying. But as Yoda says there is no try. So how do I move away from that space of judgment, mediocrity, resentment door number two, frustration, annoyance, you know, guilt and get to door number three. Door number three says look, I don't know if I'm ever gonna get to this end goal. But I am so excited about trying when you're doing number three. You're an all in Yes, yes. No, I'm not trying I'm doing I'm actually going forward with what I said I would do DWIs why WD Twizy? Weird, right? I'm not half assing it anymore. I'm actually going to do it. And you know what's so beautiful about doing number three? fulfillment, pride, satisfaction fun happiness. Yeah, man. And you may never get to the ultimate end, but it will be so much more relaxing and fulfilling and exciting and more energy advising. If you just commit and say yes, you know what I am doing it, I'm gonna go work out, or I am going to read that book or I am going to ask for those skills and get that training. I'm going to ask for what I want. I'm going to take action every day one thing, take an action towards door number three. I'm so excited when I'm in my door number three about any area of my life. Because when I have acid, like I said, I just feel like I'm setting myself up for mediocrity, and the judgment never ends. Either I'm in or I'm out. Where does this need to be applied to your life this week? That's the journaling prompt. I was sending you off to reflect. Are you choosing door number one where Forget it? Stop it. I'm out door number two, where you're setting yourself up for mediocrity and frustration and guilt or door number three, a whole body? Yes. No more half assing it you guys, that's your espresso shot. I look forward to talking to you guys and I'll see you the next time. Bye. Make sure to subscribe so you never miss an espresso shot or a full length Coffee with Nicoa interview created just for you.


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