When Nicoa invested in a Yoga Sailing Vacation to the Belearic Islands of Spain with Donna Dowson @JourneyWithDonna she got way more than she bargained for. The amount of love, reflection and rejuvenation came not from the amazing yoga, but from the profound connection. And not only connection with Donna but also with the amazing boat captain Pablo Reyes! The energy they brought to her experience is felt here as they reflect on their lives by design together for Coffee With Nicoa! The profound experience they curated changed her way of Being for the better and she thinks this interview shares some grounded knowing by both of these amazing life designers that will likely spark your own knowing of what matters most to you in YOUR LIFE BY DESIGN!

JOIN Nicoa and Donna SPRING of 2024 for an ISLAND GATHERING on the luxurious Bald Head Island, North Carolina April 11-14th! It's time to give yourself the gift of self-care, love, and support you deserve to expand your way of Being, just like Nicoa experienced in Spaine!            (this is women only retreat)

Follow donna on instagram @Journey_With_Donna
Follow Pablo on instagram @lagooncharters


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Nicoa Coach:

Hey everybody. Welcome to Season Two. I am so excited to share some of my remote interviews and I wanted to kick off the remote interviews that I did back in the fall, actually in October of 2023. With my interview of Pablo Reyes and Donna Dowson, while I was on a catamaran sailing around the Balearic sea, off the coast of Ibiza, Spain. And I can't wait for you to take a listen, we didn't have a lot of time together. But we were able to talk a little bit about how powerful their relationship is in partnership for journeys with Donna, and how they have created their lives by design, the type of life that looks like a vacation most of the time. Both of them are parents, both of them have created lives based on what they want more of in their world. And I have to say, I've never been more impressed with the dynamic in partnership that they've created their collaboration. He's the captain, he has his own business, chartering boats, and he has a team of other captains that he works with. But he always works with Donna, during the two week window each fall when she brings a group of women for a yoga vacation, and then vacations with her own husband and other friends. Like we were honored to be with her and her friends for that second week as well. John joined me after I was on the yoga vacation. So they have created what I used to call in the corporate world, a corporate partnership that really is kind of like a corporate husband and wife. And I really enjoyed watching their dynamic. They both carry both feminine and masculine energy in a balanced way. That makes the people that participate with them feel really comfortable, safe and seen. Please enjoy this episode with Pablo and Diana. Grab your coffee and join me Nicola for a caffeinated conversation about life. I'll be talking to people who have chosen to walk their own paths and just like me, are creating a life by design. I hope it will give you the inspiration you need to do exactly the same. Okay, welcome everybody's coffee with Nicoa. We have two of my new fabulous friends. Well, actually, Donna and Pablo, I've known you for a hot minute. That's true. And Pablo Reyes the captain of Atlantis, among other boats in the choleric sea. I'm enjoying a two week very unusual two week trip. And I just want to thank you too, for making it fabulous for me. It's been wonderful. Really, it's really been amazing. And I don't even know how to describe it to people I've tried as you if you've seen online but Donna, why don't you kick us off and tell us a little bit about what these two weeks have been? Well, you've been fortunate to experience both weeks I usually come a week yoga retreat where I bring up to eight people on this beautiful boat to this beautiful island with this beautiful captain. And we explore the different areas we'll do yoga on the beach in the mornings or in the evenings for sunset and we eat fabulous food on board and in the restaurants that are local and we drink fabulous wine and just a wonderful time by everybody. And then the second week is more of a vacation which you've been I've been honored to have you join me which is I ambulance John joined me as well. So the couple's week.

Donna Dowson:

None of this is really though possible without without

Nicoa Coach:

Pablo, the captain. Tell us a little bit about where you met Donna and how you guys started partnering up for these retreats. So that was a while ago? Probably six years ago, six or five years ago? Yeah. sawn off

Pablo Reyes:

Donna first came with with friends it wasn't a retreat, retreat have friends who can't who was able to come and make it on that trip and so it was a new new time for me and so from then on, we just really got along and we decided to try to make these make out of this. Something useful. So we're trying to do this every year. And we've been having pretty good feedbacks No, absolutely everybody loves it. It's been I think the reason we've continued as strong as we have is we both have this passion for enjoyment and making sure people that are in our group have a good time and see the best and enjoy it because we love like we love to enjoy yes well you embody it. I mean you really you know the whole philosophy for my podcast is a life by design that can you don't need a vacation from and maybe you could describe for us problem like where are we right the second like people


Everyone's like, where's the Balearic Sea, what are you talking about? I'm not even saying it properly I'm sure. So right now we are in Formentera. Formentera is a small island that belongs to the Balearic Islands. So the west side of the Balearic Islands, you have Ibiza and Formentera. I suppose everybody knows about the Vita, because it's kind of famous. Everyone. We're talking about Spain, in case you weren't sure. But anyway, Ibiza also has this thing about partying and clubs, but it also has this other side of the island that is quiet that is about enjoying nature, and it's about sharing with friends. So it's not only about the party and on the techno music thing, no. So that's more of what we are offering mostly basically, that is what we've been offering. In fact, I we hadn't experienced any other up until maybe this year. So at the end, so at the end of the experience, I think it's more about

Pablo Reyes:

to do get all of that together. And obviously with with Donna, it's been also always so easy to take care of things because she's just an amazing woman. Yes, she is, I must say that I usually have to work with the weather and just decide where to go based on that. So it's not always set in stone, what we're going to do, which has been fun, because it's kind of like, Oh, what are we going to do tomorrow? Well, we sit right hash it out. And we decide what works, we really go with the flow. I think the biggest test for participants is stepping out of not needing to know what's next and having that structure in the itinerary. And even if you think you're just asking out of curiosity, maybe you need the control of like, what's happening now. I've been asked by Nico.


during these two weeks, what do we do next? Where are we going? Exactly? And a lot of times the answer has been I'm not really

Nicoa Coach:

sure. And getting comfortable with that is a part of that, you know, getting connected with yourself, can I be comfortable not knowing, you know, can I be in this space and really be present? But let's back up just a little bit. Donna, you've been doing this for how long? I mean, this is this is your life by design. Right? So and it's still evolving. And so did you always do this? Tell us a little bit about your background? Because you kind of need background? Yes. I don't know my background, do you start to write?


I can my other day used to be. So I am a landscape designer is what you're referencing, and I was on yard crashers and turf wars on HGTV. So I did do that for several years, which was a lot of fun. That's like a whole nother lifetime. But now, what I focus on is I teach yoga and focus on create or curating experiences for people, whether it's a weekend retreat, or a whole week out of the country in some exotic location like we are right now. My idea of bringing people together for new experiences, I think travel is one of the best things anyone can do. Oh apps, once you go to somewhere else and see how other people experience the world, you notice how you might be able to experience the world differently.

Nicoa Coach:

And it really takes the blinders off. Absolutely. What's possible and and you just came back from a trip in Croatia this past May I think, and and next year, you're going to agree. So there's just lots of experience Mali in June and Bali in June.


I'll be back here for sure.

Nicoa Coach:

Every year. So yeah, it's a commitment. You better. No problem. How did you get into sailing? I mean, you were you raised on the water. And you've been doing this for 20 years. Tell us a little bit about your role and your crew and your skippers and


well actually I've been sailing since I was a kid mostly because my parents my dad, I'm they're also involved in this boating thing. But he's been probably I had this experience when I ended my career. I had the chance to sail from Greece to Barcelona with a sailing boat. And that's where I noticed that that was there was something I felt like I was really dragged in or pushed to continue with this style of life. So I've been doing this chartering boats and taking people around in Etham. Formentera and Menorca Majorca for like around 20 years now. And so seven years ago my daughter was born and since then I'm not selling that much because I want to spend a lot of time with them. So it's not easy to have both things together but I still maintaining both boats and I am doing just this specific group Oops that I feel like I'm really comfortable with. And I can live my family for two weeks or three weeks, probably the whole summer for the most. Yeah. And enjoying with with whoever I really feel like I want to enjoy. So obviously Donna is is part of that very

Nicoa Coach:

special connection. And so you said you ended your career? What was your previous career?


Well, not career. I mean, my studies your studies.

Nicoa Coach:

So you've been doing this since after your studies? Okay. Well, actually


wasn't right away after finishing my studies. But yeah, I mean, 20 years. It's

Nicoa Coach:

a pretty long time. That's right. You're younger than me. I've already had a 20 year career and a 15 year career. But you know, you're a father. So you have two children, actually. And Donna, you have two children. Wow. That's right. So parenting is a big piece of your life by design spending time with your children. You know, Pablo, the other day at lunch, someone said to you, so when you're not sailing? Like what do you do? And your response was classic. Do you remember what you said? You said, I live my life. And I was like, That's just it. That's the epitome of a life by design. Absolutely. So tell us a little bit more about your definition of a life by design. Like if someone listening is struggling, like what would you encourage them to think about to create a life that was intentional, like you have


a d&d, though I think it all has to do with with trying to find something to do in life in which you feel completely that you can fulfill and you expressed your way of being known. So for me torturing and sharing with people or being able to show people what I really love in life, it makes it make it makes sense now to find a job in which I'm able to fulfill that that things,

Nicoa Coach:

right, you've integrated it, and things that you love, and then you can integrate it into how you get your income. And you must have made adjustments over the years as well, as you began to have a family, obviously, yeah, so you added people to your team, you have skippers that you can rely on and two boats, right, exactly.


tamarins, forest keepers that they come and go, Yeah, depending on what their needs are also not because I tried to have happy people sailing also. So I also understand that most keepers need a little time to be honest with their family and be able to relax also, so they can develop their job better. Sure. That's the basic idea of actually having a chartering a charter company that I don't advertise, right? Word of mouth, I just put all my effort on doing a good job and having people that kind of send the send the same message as I do, when they when they say, oh,

Nicoa Coach:

it's an energy, right, and you can trust them, you've created relationships, and you trust that they will continue to attract people to participate


on on de Ville sailing almost well, they're all big sailors, but they are there with me since eight, nine years ago, both of this beautiful so that means they feel like they're taking care of

Nicoa Coach:

you create your family environment. You know, one of the special things about you, Pablo is that during the retreat, you have such an energy around you that is so compassionate and loving and tender and gentle. And you give that energy to each of the participants, I watched you connect with each person. And you also did the same for me. And it was very generous. And I'm so grateful. And I just want you to know that


coming from you after after two weeks. I feel I feel really emotional emotion.

Nicoa Coach:

I feel emotional, too. Yeah. People need to take the time to pause and, and and spend time with energies like yours and yours, Donna,


I think what we've discussed about that energy and what makes it so special, I bring these groups and they're not only just women, a lot of times I have mixed groups, especially this week. But bylo has this. He's embodied that Shakti energy, that feminine power in the world that we talked about needing more of, in an entirely masculine embodiment. Yeah, makes it it's very, you've got this balance of the Shakti and the Shiva energy that a lot of people don't have. And so he and when women encounter it, they feel this. At Home Sense. We feel seen, we feel loved and held. And I see that men find the exact same experience when they deal with them. And that's the most beautiful thing. I think that our men of our world are in need of more of that compassion, that empathy, that connection with that feminine energy of the world which is in everything every being, you know, we have the both. And I think he's just someone who can exude it and still be in such a masculine form. And I think that's why he attracts it and connects with everybody. And that's why I keep coming back and bringing people because as beautiful as they feel, they don't just need to see this beautiful world, but they need to meet this beautiful man. Yes, I think it helps.

Nicoa Coach:

Well, I think you're very grounded. And be curious, as you reflect on your way of being today, how is that different or unique compared to your way of being 2030 years ago? Question? Like, what's the how different are you today than before when you were younger? Or are you? Well, we


are all different at the end? No, sure. I put zero in constant flux, flux. So yeah, we have to evolve. And we have to, basically, I would say that the basis of my way of being, I've always been a little like that. No, yeah. Luckily, my parents have been able to show me all about emotions. And that's what I'm trying to also try to teach my kids No, and they they're really connected to emotions to both of them really, really connected. So I think that's very important, too.

Nicoa Coach:

I think so too.


i There was a moment a couple years ago, I learned he said something he was upset about something and I came to him I was like, I'm really sorry, you upset because I let me be upset, I can be upset. It's okay to have these emotions. And I remember just taking that away and evolving from it. Because I just, I feel like there's so much to teach in that. Oh, absolutely.

Nicoa Coach:

Emotions are I like to say energy in motion, it is what moves us. And if we ignore the shinza, right, or the triggers as Pema children would say, in some of her writing, you know, if we ignore the Shimba, and we don't sit with the triggers of our emotions, then we miss a great opportunity to heal and live more fully. Absolutely. There's just so emotion is part of the living. And, you know, John will even tell me, I It's okay for me to be upset, because I want to fix it, you know, I want to help and serve and it's okay, you're okay. And he's like, it's okay for me to be upset. And I'm like, good reminder, same reminder that you gave to Donna. So tell me a little bit about any advice that you might give to people considering spending some time and like treating themselves to two weeks off or going on such a retreat? I mean, some of that might be very foreign to some of our listeners, what advice would you give them Donna and in making that decision for themselves,


I would say that it's really important to remember to take care of yourself before you can even possibly take care of anyone else. And I think I know as women we tend to constantly look out for everybody around us. And what you're forgetting is that if there's if you're if your own self is not healthy and whole and fulfilled, then you don't have as much to give to all the other people. So taking these moments like a week out in some glorious, amazing location where you learn to connect with people you've never met on the boat who've never met each other and their best of friends by the end of the week. With an environment you've never been to with with an energy you've never experienced. Foods people have experienced foods they've never had before and they're willing to try them and the amazing transformation that happens with people on this boat and from day one to the last day when they leave is phenomenal. And I encourage everybody to seek something like that out. Absolutely.

Nicoa Coach:

I'm so grateful that I did what was the what were we at a birthday party drinking at a bar and you were like, let me tell you about this thing I'm doing and I'm like within 24 hours next day I signed up the next day I'm like I knew I wanted to


be meant the world to me oh no idea I'd meet you and you're like I'm going with you I know it and trust you added me was amazing and I think we just felt that instant connection so I think and we were right I mean we were right

Nicoa Coach:

you guys I can't even describe it the the clear blue waters people are on the beach guys about to jump off of a cliff we've got sailboats in the background. We're on a catamaran maybe describe Atlantis to us so people understand what kind of a boat they would be on Pablo. Well, Atlantis


has probably anything you can need a week living on board yes there's four very comfortable double rooms with their own bathroom it's one of them that's amazing. I'm there's two little pigs on front that I normally sleep in one of them and when we have paid people then it's Donna sleeping in a

Nicoa Coach:

ridiculously comfortable, comfortable I looked down in that hatch. I was like where are they sleeping? I love it.


call those a sarcophagus. Yeah. It's like a coffin. Yes.

Nicoa Coach:

Yeah, a little bit. It's cozy. Yeah, not


very comfortable accommodations. That's right and we've got a beautiful salon and cooking area and then seating area outdoors. I mean there's there's shade where when you need shade, there's a beautiful front tramping area where you can out and it's quite comfortable it's very

Nicoa Coach:

comfortable and I encourage people they get nervous they don't know you know what the especially if they ever been on a boat, you don't have to know how to sail. You just show up


there's a lot of space to I mean, you can you can get privacy. You can be confined privacy, your own moments for reading and just laying out without having to be with other people that you feel like that's what you're looking Yeah, we got paddle boards, we have to paddle boards, we have large treaties like I don't know if feet but it's 3.5 meter dinghy with engine. So that allows you to go online to shore and go to the beach and just get back later on. Um, well, what else we have,

Nicoa Coach:

what else do we have everything you need everything now and I'm so grateful. So


we normally sorry that we normally we normally with Donna, we prepare one meal on board and then breakfast. The other meal we try, I normally try to look for a nice restaurant, always

Nicoa Coach:

clear to everybody that this restaurant and these restaurants that we've been to are equivalent to high end restaurants in big cities in the US. And I'll tell you, I was shocked. I felt like I was walking into an anthropology store every time like it's so aesthetically pleasing. And there's just it's really quite beautiful and delicious every single time. So I posted a lot. So if you you guys want to go back and check out my Instagram account, I


think the shack was the best Oh, the shack in this little cove. And there's this tiny shack on the beach. And Bob was like, Yeah, we're gonna have, we're gonna have lunch there. And we're thinking, Oh, okay, and we get in there. And this place was beautiful. I mean, it's this tiny little shack like location on the beach, but it was pretty high end. It

Nicoa Coach:

really was. And they all have. Thank you for that. You know, I want us to just come back just a minute and talk a little bit more about how how this life makes you feel. Because a lot of people come to me and they say I want a different life. I don't like this guy I'm working for I don't want to be here. I wish I you know, I'll say I'm going sailing. Oh, must be nice. And I'm like, Tell me tell me more about how does this feel? How do you know that you're living your life? Like you want it to live it? I mean, what are the emotions you're experiencing?


Well, really, what I really think is that at the end, it has more to do with our own way of feeling things and being able to, to be connected with where we're doing now. Because probably this job is also very hard. I mean, it has that other side. No, it has more to do have about the energy you give to what you're doing and how you try to, to I mean to go around everything? No, it's, it's a perception, yes. Because you can be very happy waking up at six o'clock in the morning, going to these buildings, and saying, office or whatever and be happy to. So I think it has more to do with our own way of focusing than, than done the job itself. That's exactly what I'm trying to tell you that there's lots of people that I know that have been working as keeper and they're unhappy too, because at the end, it may look that it's an amazing job. But it's also hard, you have to spend lots of time in a boat with without your family close to you with all your friends, meeting new people every every time and it's people that are done for that and they're okay with that. And there's people that is harder for them now to to carry on with such a life. So it's right. So I am very happy with my life. But I think it has more to do with with obviously also with how I feel supported by my wife or by my partner that she's also an amazing person.

Nicoa Coach:

Of course you have to have people on your team that are facility helping to facilitate this lifestyle.


But if you like to see you like sharing with people and trying to make people happy, if you like that you have a lot done. There's a lot of the work is already done. That's

Nicoa Coach:

right. If it's something that you enjoy, and you see purpose in it, then you it's easier to perceive it as fulfilling rather than a burden. And I think that's really the frustration for a lot of people is that they're so busy filtering their life as a burden. And they they don't know if there's an alternative way So my philosophy is you don't need a vacation from a life that you love. And so Donna How do you know when you're on track to that so you've got a lot of things in the in the works right now. You're trying to create some additional I think


that When I am busy and have stuff to do, and it's it doesn't feel like that, then I'm on track. When I if there's something that I love, I will put my heart and soul into it, I will stay up till the wee hours of the morning working on things. It doesn't bother me. That's when I know I'm doing the right thing. Because I feel like if you have to work at something, and it's arduous and you're like, I gotta do it, then you're doing the wrong thing. Yeah. Work is not the hard part. It's how you feel about it. And like I like, even, I mean, being on the boat people, Oh, my God, you're on vacation. But I'm still working. Like last week, I was still working the whole time making sure everybody had breakfast in the morning. And you know, I gotta make sure we eat we, and I absolutely love it. So it's not hard. So it's very easy. And that's easy work. That's right. But I would say as long as you're feeling like you're you can't stop doing what you're doing, then you're doing the right thing.

Nicoa Coach:

What are you most proud of Donna about the past? Decades of transformation and motherhood? And that's a loaded? I know, tell us what you're happy? What do you want to celebrate about yourself?


I feel like I want to celebrate the fact that I will constantly find the joy in whatever's happening and, and try to facilitate that. For others. I think that's what I would celebrate. Because I think people want to be around me because I try to do that, I hope. And I see people who have trouble doing that. And I just want to help that.

Nicoa Coach:

Yeah, you're the curator of joy, say the architect, the architect of joy. Our friend Michaela told us that's the architect


of joy architects. Yeah, I have a passion for that for like, I'm talking about being in a room with people and seeing someone like I need to get a chair for that person. Because they should sit down. You know, I could feel their energy wanting to sit down. So I'll be all okay. Let's hear some chairs. And just little things like that is what I'm talking about. So thank

Nicoa Coach:

you, helicopter. Thank you, Donna, the curator, the architects of joy. When you think of your life, what makes you makes you so proud and you want to celebrate about you and your life?


It's tough. It's tough. Yeah. I mean, there's so much to celebrate.

Nicoa Coach:

There is so much to celebrate. Yeah,


I think he's an architect of choice. I think you are

Nicoa Coach:

in a different culture than those of us who happen to be from the American culture. And I am curious, if you think that there's been a different approach to your career in life, you know, we come from a space of more and more better, better, you know, American dream, you have to do certain things to be successful. Did you find that your peers had the same kind of experience? Or is that just not the culture here in space? Go


to the same culture? I mean, yes, Europe, and we, we work the same way you guys do? Okay. It's all about competition. It's all about no getting farther in life and being successful. No, it's all about that. So at the end, I feel like there's there's this other path, no one and trying to feel fulfilled without thinking think on what others are expecting you to do. No, that's Yeah, so my life and luckily, my parents also have been able to show me that it has more to do about being feeling fulfilled and being happy than then being successful. On some other's eyes. Yeah. Has been myself. Yeah, absolutely.

Nicoa Coach:

If you're not, you haven't been caught up in the compare despair of life that like a lot of people have.


The most important thing that I'm trying to teach my kids, even though it's not a teaching thing is more about them, being able to find their own path, just by by supporting them and make them feel supported by their parents.

Nicoa Coach:

And you've embodied a way of being that they can see as the role model. So yeah, you and your, your partner. So is there anything else you want to share about our trip together or anything you think our listeners might want to hear?

Donna Dowson:

I guess I would simply say, if you want to join us out here in this beautiful environment on this amazing boat, you know, get in touch with us, and we can figure it out because I do I do the trip regularly. But I will also curate a personal trip. I had someone come to me and say, hey, I want to do a 40th birthday. I've got you know, six girlfriends and we're gonna go I can easily curate your own trip. That's right. And they can find you on Instagram at journey with Donna and journey with on the web. So that's right journey with Donna at journey with Donna on Instagram and journey with And Pablo does this market. He does have an Instagram account.

Nicoa Coach:

It's called at lagoon charters. And he's got some great photos on there for you guys to check it out and you can see the vote. And thank you guys for listening. And I love you guys. I really appreciate you taking time out of our beautiful, our beautiful vacay it really


I love you. Such a pleasure meeting you and I'm so happy to have you on board. Hopefully you'll be here again.

Nicoa Coach:

Thank you guys. We'll talk to you later. Bye. Bye bye. Thanks for joining us for a caffeinated conversation. Subscribe to Coffee with Nicola for more stories from people living a life by design. You can also find inspiration on Instagram. Just follow coffee with Nicola and check out our website Coffee with and that's Nicoa N I CoA. We look forward to talking with you soon. And enjoy your coffee between now and then.

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