Nicoa shares a quick moment with the opening speaker for the maiden voyage of MANY WOMEN, MANY STORIES conference, JENNIFER LEECH! She grew up as a creative with a college goal to be a Theatre major and yet, she caved to external voices and was educated as a lawyer.  She has life experiences that have shaped her including 5 grueling years of infertility and then cancer in her early 40's. She became a BodyAwake Yoga instructor and now oversees her family organic farm on the coast while managing the delicate walk back to herself and will be sharing her story in November!

At MWMS, the aim is to document and share women's strengths, creativity, perseverance, and vibrant lives in a sacred gathering. The project is multi-cultural and multi-generational, and it helps to highlight the positive qualities and powers of the feminine while encouraging creative action.  JOIN US, WE NEED YOUR PARTICIPATION and FEEDBACK for this inaugural event!

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Our mission is to tell a new story through the MWMS project. This story highlights women's worth, resourcefulness, and desire to make the world better for everyone. By sharing the wisdom and experiences of women who have undergone healing and transformation, we hope to inspire young girls and women to become self-empowered leaders and take positive action.


By participating in the project, viewers and participants can gain new insights and ideas to integrate into their lives. We hope these stories and the accompanying experiential apprenticeship program will challenge and influence the distorted view of women and girls in today's media.


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Nicoa Coach:

Grab your coffee and join me Nicoa For a caffeinated conversation about life. I'll be talking to people who have chosen to walk their own paths and just like me, are creating a life by design. I hope it will give you the inspiration you need to do exactly the same. Welcome, everybody. I am so excited to have the fourth episode I believe I've done now for the many women many stories conference is coming up this November. You've heard me bragging about it. This is going to be a unique gathering. And today's guest is actually the keynote speaker, Jennifer Leach, how are you beautiful.


I am well. And I like to just say the opening speaker because this is quite an amazing group of women. So I like to just say I'm just the opening.

Nicoa Coach:

No, you're right, because I think every one of the stories that's about to be shared could be a keynote. I mean, they're so powerful. But yours is pretty special. You're coming from a really unique background of a varied background, I would say. And I think you and I are a similar age, we're in that 50s Club. Is that correct? Yes,



Nicoa Coach:

You say here in your bio, that it took you 50 years to really own who you were. And that is a transformational junkie. Yeah, I mean, you're an artist at heart. But interesting, as many of us do, you end up going down paths that may not have aligned authentically with that truth. And there you go following those external voices, and you turned yourself into a lawyer. Is that right? That


is correct. And played in that men's world for decades.

Nicoa Coach:

Yeah. And then, at what point did you recognize you know what, wait, I am an artist, I am a bodyweight yoga instructor. I am leading a farm and organic farm with my family, you know, so many things after such a successful, you know, career. So at what point did you realize that?


Well, it's interesting, this body, really, fertility was the first thing that came, I was working in corporate traveling overseas, trying to have a baby trying to start a family. And I kept having ectopic pregnancies, one after the other. So I just thought, you know what, maybe it's the travel my body clock stress, I've got to come out of this corporate world. So otherwise, I might still be there. So it was fertility is such a massive, complicated topic. But it really was, like my invitation into what we're hearing this phrase divine feminine or your feminine energy. What is that? That was my invitation in.

Nicoa Coach:

That's so interesting, it was your body because you know, my focus of these lives by design, sometimes those conversion points really do have to do with messaging and the body yelling at you. Same with me, I had malignant melanoma, I had what I thought was a heart attack. It was a panic attack. And my body was yelling at me before I left the corporate world to go out on my own. Well, why is this important to come and participate in the many women many stories conference for you, you know, why choose to participate right now?


Well, I think, Gosh, because I have had a, like 20 year healing journey and a journey really back to me back to set back to the creative part of me. And I feel like now we're in such a time, we're seeing a couple things. Like, and this is why we have an organic farm, we're seeing our food supply chain just is really, really broken. We're seeing, you know, the whether it's the medical industry, we're seeing all our interstates, banking, finance, you just name it schools, they're all kind of crumbling, because they're not really servicing we're the healthiest. I mean, we're the richest country and we're the most unhealthy people on the planet. So all those things that I say that those things that used to be a luxury, and we could kind of deal with it later, or now like, No, these are it's now it's now that we have to think about our fertility, we have to think about our diet, we have to think about what we're thinking about. There are so many things that we now in the external world we live in, if we don't understand how to connect in here, and become our own medicine. It's going to be hard, it's gonna be a struggle.

Nicoa Coach:

Well, clearly, you're going to be tapping into a group of women as well. And you said that about that divine feminine, you know, I'm just curious. And I know that I tried to give each of my guests a little guidance as to what we're going to talk about, but I never really know how it will unfold. So how would you define Divine Feminine for our listeners who are still kind of like, what is this event and What's she talking about?


Totally, because when I hear the Divine Feminine a lot lot of times I think we attach it to the gender of a female. And what we talk about when we're talking about, well, a if you've grown up in the Western world and Christianity, the way I have, you had no feminine model, we had the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, we had a very male dominated religion force. And so there was no female counterpart, we didn't really see that. But what we're talking about with the divine feminine is it's an energetic that's in every being males and females, we have this beautiful, you know, energy of the female being the receptive, the male being that productive, and you can even see it in our reproductive organs. But it's this beautiful that we all have, because we've lived in a male dominated society in a religious dominated society, we have gogogo, Do do do accomplish compete, go. So this feminine side has been over here just kind of hidden. So it really is about an earthing, because she's about the hidden The secret things being in the earth, if we think about the womb, it's about unearthing and freeing that kind of creative power in every being, because the men didn't get off easy, either.

Nicoa Coach:

Correct, you are correct. It is both and, and it's, it's really the balancing of that energies within us. And I, when I quit the corporate world, I had an energy session done. And she told me, you know, your, your, your lot of energy on that right side of your body, the masculine energy she has, your entire left side of your body is dark. So that whole ability to receive and to your point, I even try to help my clients with the next time someone brings you a cup of water or someone hands you something, receive it with your left hand, begin to practice learning to receive and, you know, I love that you're going to be speaking about your own personal journey, because not only did you have some infertility challenges your body also I think he's struggling with cancer at one point, is that correct?


I did leukemia, so that came after. So it was kind of like fertility, like opened a doorway we got in there. And then it really, I needed another big doorway. Before just the whole thing came together, I still saw myself as a physical being just a physical being, I really didn't understand the energetics and my field. That was the beauty that cancer brought was to really begin to dive deep into energy medicine and understand were more than this body, and understand all the beautiful modalities that are available to us. I did not want to go through chemo, that was my biggest fear. And there's so many other modalities that you can choose, or you can blend. But there's just these beautiful options and other ways that were out there that I had no clue. And that okay, let me just say this little funny story. So I had already been through chemo was working with an energy doctor who was Harvard trained, but had switched to energy medicine because he too, had gotten sick. I had done all his little protocols and drank all his milkshakes and had his gadgets. And he looked at me one day, and he goes, I'm gonna send you down the hall to my colleague who has some tuning forks, because your problems are emotional. And, you know, lawyer, I'm like, Excuse me. Excuse me. I'm like, What do you mean, that whole side, Nikola, you said, that had not been I didn't understand the power of emotions, I did not understand that energetic, intuitive mind body connection. Ah,

Nicoa Coach:

well, it's beautiful. I cannot wait to hear your presentation. And you're talking my language. I mean, I really look at emotion is energy in motion. It is what moves us and we have to vibrate and be at a frequency of healing and of receptivity to attract what it is that we want in our lives. And it sounds like your presentation is going to be very thought provoking. What would you hope that people gain from your conversation from your opening presentation?


You know, I hope they find something that resonates. It might not be words that I say, but they'll feel they'll have an emotion that says, I didn't know that, or I want more of that. It's not that the other thing I think it's so important is to drive people into when they get their own Aha, and to be able to follow those things, but that they connect in a profound way that they realize as women, especially a tribe of women, we have something so powerful within us that as I find a community find a tribe, understand this body how this works. The possibilities are unlimited. So I want them to resonate with something that drives them with a passion to see how powerful they are. Well, I have

Nicoa Coach:

no doubt that they will and again, everyone listening please, if you haven't already, purchase your ticket and please join us at the maiden voyage of the many women Nice stories conference. It's this November 17, in Wrightsville, beach, North Carolina. And those of you I know are listening from all over the world. Go ahead, you should price that ticket, you got plenty of time, we'd love to have you join us any last words of wisdom or anything you'd like to share? Jennifer, before we hang up?


Yeah, it's just especially like I came out of corporate. And if any of this sounds a bit like spiritual out there, that we are these, we are spiritual beings, that it will be a blend of both, it isn't going to be just one thread, that we're really weaving all these beautiful threads of our life as women that want children and women that have chosen not to have children have very spiritual alternative modalities, and also what the traditional offers. So I think just to say, you know, if you are at all interested, don't be afraid to walk through some new doors, and to meet some new ways of looking some new lenses for life, I'll say that come find a new lens to look at your life. Because there'll be so many they're offered for everybody,

Nicoa Coach:

for sure, for sure. And whatever resonates most with you is what will be the the channel in which you will find the most power and profound learning. So there will be multitudes of modalities available for people. And we will be bringing that together in conversation as a group. Are you practicing any type of coaching or one on one work? Or are you simply we're moving into this next quarter of your life? And just working on the farm? How can people find you?


Yeah, I do have a website. I haven't really used it a lot lately. I have worked prior, I do have a few clients that I work with. I am definitely in that unknown. Like, what's next phase? Yeah, that's why I'm excited about attending is begin. I think when you get in this sort of energy, you get some new guidance and some new lenses to see where I'm being invited

Nicoa Coach:

to go. That's right. I love that because you know, really anyone joining you and me both included. What needs us, right? Yes, yes, that's yes. And that's I can't wait to see what unfolds something special is coming together here with this group and, and I just really feel honored to have met so many people so far. Thank you for being my guest on coffee with Nicoa. And I will see you in November.


Thank you, Nicola. Absolutely.

Jennifer Gardner:

Thanks for joining us for a caffeinated conversation. Subscribe to Coffee with Nicola for more stories from people living a life by design. You can also find inspiration on Instagram. Just follow Coffee with Nicoa and check out our website Coffee with and that's Nicoa N IC O A. We look forward to talking with you soon. And enjoy your coffee between now and then.

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